Title ID Language(s) Date
Sepphoris, 517 or 518 CE. Limestone block. Dedication. sepp0037 Between 517 CE and 518 CE
Sepphoris, 3rd CE. Stone lintel. Funerary inscription. sepp0038 Between 200 CE and 299 CE
Galilee, Sepphoris, Second half of second century BCE. Jar fragment. Instruction. sepp0100 Hebrew Between 150 BCE and 100 BCE
Judaea, Jerusalem, Givat Shapira, First century CE. Ossuary. Funerary. shap0001 Hebrew, Greek Between 1 CE and 100 CE
Jerusalem, Givat Shapira, First century CE. Ossuary. Funerary. shap0002 Hebrew, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 100 CE
Judaea, Jerusalem, Givat Shapira, First century CE. Ossuary. Funerary. shap0003 Hebrew, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 100 CE
Judaea, Jerusalem, Givat Shapira, First century CE. Ossuary. Funerary. shap0004 Hebrew Between 1 CE and 100 CE
Shellal, 561-562 CE. Mosaic floor. Dedicatory. shel0001 Greek Between 561 CE and 562 CE
Shepherd's Field, early 5th century CE. Mosaic Floor. Offering. shep0001 Greek Between 400 CE and 425 CE
Shepherd's Field, 6th century CE. Mosaic Floor. Prayer. shep0002 Greek Between 500 CE and 600 CE
Shikmona, 6th century CE. Mosaic floor. Dedicatory shik0002 Greek Between 500 CE and 599 CE
Shikmona, 6th century CE. Mosaic floor. Dedicatory shik0003 Greek Between 500 CE and 599 CE
Shikmona, 6th century CE. Church floor. Mosaic. shik0004 Greek Between 500 CE and 599 CE
Shikmona, Late 4th-early 5th century CE. Mosaic floor. Dedicatory. shik0005 Greek Between 375 CE and 425 CE
Shikmona, unknown. Marble slab. Unknown. shik0006 Greek Between 63 CE and 638 CE
Shiloh, c. 500 CE. Mosaic floor. Prayer. shil0001 Greek Between 450 CE and 550 CE
Shiloh, 5th century CE. Mosaic floor. Prayer. shil0002 Greek Between 400 CE and 500 CE
Shiloh, 5th century CE. Mosaic floor. Prayer. shil0003 Greek Between 400 CE and 500 CE
Shiloh, early 6th century CE. Mosaic floor. Dedicatory. shil0004 Greek Between 500 CE and 525 CE
Hof Shiqma, 544-550 CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory. shiq0001 Greek Between 544 CE and 550 CE
Shivta, Byzantine. Mosaic Floor. Dedicatory. shiv0001 Greek Between 324 CE and 638 CE
Shivta, 4 Jan 630 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0002 Greek 630 CE
Shivta, 17 Dec 639 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0003 Greek 639 CE
Shivta, 26 Aug 641 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0004 Greek 641 CE
Shivta, 6 Dec 614 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0005 Greek 614 CE
Shivta, 9 January 597 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0006 Greek 597 CE
Shivta, 22 March 595 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0007 Greek 595 CE
Shivta, 29 June 582 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0008 Greek 582 CE
Shivta, 10 September 608 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0009 Greek 608 CE
Shivta, 23 February 612 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0010 Greek 612 CE
Shivta, 23 April 618 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. shiv0011 Greek 618 CE
Shivta, May 517 CE or May 607 CE. Mosaic pavement. Dedicatory. shiv0012 Greek Between 517 CE and 607 CE
Shivta, Byzantine. Gate. Prayer. shiv0013 Greek Between 324 CE and 638 CE
Shivta, 30 September 505 or 509 CE. Building inscription. Dedicatory. shiv0014 Greek Between 324 CE and 638 CE
Shivta, 5th-6th CE. Bronze Stamp. Ownership Label. shiv0015 Latin Between 401 CE and 600 CE
Shivta, 5th-6th century CE. Limestone lintel. Building. shiv0016 Between 450 CE and 550 CE
Shuni, late fifth or early sixth century CE. Mosaic. Dedication. shun0001 Between 450 CE and 550 CE
Shuni, late fifth or early sixth century CE. Mosaic. Dedication. shun0002 Between 450 CE and 550 CE
Shuni, late second or early third century CE. Mosaic. Label for decorations. shun0003 Between 150 CE and 250 CE
Shuni, late second or early third century CE. Mosaic. Label for decorations. shun0004 Between 150 CE and 250 CE
Sinai, First-fourth centuries CE. Road inscriptions. Grafitti. sina0100 Hebrew, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 399 CE
Sinai, First-fourth centuries CE. Road inscriptions. Grafitti. sina0101 Hebrew, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 399 CE
Sinai, First-fourth centuries CE. Road inscriptions. Grafitti. sina0102 Hebrew, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 399 CE
Sinai, Third-fourth centuries CE. Road inscriptions. Christian Grafitti. sina0103 Greek Between 200 CE and 399 CE
Sinai, First-fourth centuries CE. Road inscriptions. Grafitti. sina0104 Hebrew, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 399 CE
Sinai, First-fourth centuries CE. Road inscriptions. Graffiti. sina0105 Hebrew, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 399 CE
Sinai, First-fourth centuries CE. Road inscriptions. Grafitti. sina0106 Hebrew, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 399 CE
Sinai, 223 CE. Road inscriptions. Grafitti. sina0107 Hebrew, Aramaic 223 CE
Sinai, First-fourth centuries CE. Slab. Graffiti. sina0108 Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 399 CE
Sinai, First-fourth centuries CE. Road inscriptions. Grafitti. sina0109 Hebrew, Aramaic Between 1 CE and 399 CE