Title | ID | Language(s) | Date | Transcription | Translation | |
Ma'ayan Barukh, late 1st century BCE or early 1st century CE. Basalt stone. Dedicatory Graffito. | maay0003 | Other, Hebrew | Between 50 BCE and 50 CE | ל אבד-יף | By 'Abd-YF ... | |
Ma'ayan Barukh, late 1st century BCE or early 1st century CE. Basalt stone. Dedicatory Graffito. | maay0004 | Other, Hebrew | Between 50 BCE and 50 CE | אנס | 'Ans (or 'Unas) | |
Machmas, 6th century CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory. | mach0001 | Greek | Between 500 CE and 599 CE | Κύριε μνήσθητι τὸν
δοῦλον σου Οὐαλεντῖνον ἅμα συνβίῳ καὶ τέκνοις ᾧ σπουδάσαντι
γενέσθε καὶ ψηφωθῆνε τὴν ὁσιωτάτην ἐκκλησίαν | Lord, remember your servant Valentinus with his wife and children, who hastily
built and paved the most pious church. | |
Magen, Late 5th to early 6th century CE. Verse. Dedicatory. | mage0001 | Greek | Between 450 CE and 550 CE | Αὐτὴ ἡ πύλη Κυρίου δίκαιοιεἰσελεύσονται ἐν αὐτῇ | This is the Gate of the Lord: the just shall enter into it. | |
Magen, Late 5th to early 6th century CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory. | mage0002 | Greek | Between 450 CE and 550 CE | Ἐπὶ τοῦ εὐσεβεστάτου
ΝΣ ἐγένετο τά ὧδε | In the time of the most pious N...s these were completed. | |
Magen, Late 4th to early 5th century CE. Mosaic. Verse. | mage0004 | Greek | Between 350 CE and 450 CE | Ἡγίασεν τὸ
αὐτοῦ ὁ ὕψιστος θεὸς
ἐν μέσω αὐτῆς | The most high hath and sanctified His own tabernacle, God is in the midst there
of. | |
Mampsis, Late Byzantine. Mosaic floor. Dedicatory. | mamp0001 | Greek | Between 400 CE and 638 CE | Κύριε σῶσον
τὸν δοῦλον
σου Νίλον τὸν
φιλόχριστον τὸν
κτίσαντα τὰ ὅδε καὶ Κύριε φύλαξε τὸν οἶκον αὐτοῦ | Lord save your Christ-loving servant Nilus the builder of this place and Lord
guard his household. | |
Mampsis, Late Byzantine. Mosaic floor. Dedicatory. | mamp0002 | Greek | Between 400 CE and 638 CE | Κύριε σῶσον τὸν δοῦλον
σου Εἰρηναῖον Ἀμήν.
Κύριε σῶσον τὸν δοῦλον σου Νίλον
τὸν κτίσαντα τὰ ὅδε καὶ τὰ τέκνα αὐτοῦ.
Κύριε βοήθησον τὸν Ἀββα
Ζηνοβίου τοῦ παραμοναρίου. | Lord, save your servant Eiranaios. Amen. Lord, save your servant Nilus, the
builder of this (place), and his children.Lord, help Abba (son) of Zenobios
the paramonarios. | |
Mampsis, Late Byzantine. Mosaic floor. Dedicatory. | mamp0003 | Greek | Between 400 CE and 638 CE | Κύριε
τὸν δοῦλον σου Νίλον τὸν κτίσαντα τὸν τόπον τοῦτον
Ἀμὴν. | Lord, help your servant Nilus, the builder of this place. Amen. | |
Ma'on-Nirim, 6th century CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory. | mani0001 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 500 CE and 600 CE | דכרין לטב כל קהלה
די עבדו הדין פספה
ד אישו ותמה
ויהודה דיהבו תלתה דינרין | Remembered for good be the whole community who made this mosaic … Aisu and Thomas
and Judah who gave three denarii. [characters] | |
Ma'on-Nirim, 6th century CE. Amulet. Magic. | mani0002 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 500 CE and 600 CE | אהיה אשר אהיה בשם
קה שנרון ארסכיאל
אל משנידה שמגרון סכסך דוקון דוקון וא
ברקיאל אוריאל מלחמיאל אה אה אה אה אה
א דתתעקרן מן רישה דנתרן ברתה דשרה אמן אמן
דמתקרייא קפלרגיא ועלא בכורכוריא דניא ולא
בשמא דנגדיאל
מלאכה דככיש בשושלן דלא דנחש ובש
דלא דפורויל ובשמא דנחשור ובשמא דסוריאל מלאכה
זיקין ומזקין וטלנין יערקון מנה יואל יואל
נתרון ברתה דשארה בשם אוה
הלסא אל באל רב
העקרו מן כורכוריא דניה ומו רישה | I am who I am. In the name of Q...h, Shenron, 'Arsakhi'el, N... 'el, Mashnidah,
Skhsakh, Doqun, Doqun, and 'A.… 'el, Bariel, Uriel, Milhamiel, 'ah, 'ah, 'ah,
'ah, 'ah, 'ah … you should depart form the head of Natrun, the daughter of
Sarah, Amen, Amen... which is called kephalagria and goes into the bones of the
chest in the name of Nagdiel, the angel who is bound by chains, which are not of
bronze and … which is not of iron and in the name of Nahshur and in the name of
Suriel, the angel … blast-demons and tormentors, and shadow-spirits should flee
away from her. Joel, Joel … Natrun, daughter of Sarah. In the name of 'Ewah,
Halusa' El, Ba'el, Rab..., remove the bones of her chest and from her head
... | |
Ma'on-Nirim, 6th century CE. Amulet. Magic. | mani0003 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 500 CE and 600 CE | משבע אנה על
כול רוח ועל כול בשם אברסכס דממני
עלא ונטר טליא באיא
טור ולדה
דשלמצוה דברכתא לנאהיה אשר אהיה
דאמה ובשם ארא וכף אאשבעת עליך רוחא תא
תכפין ולאשלמצו ברתה ד ולרוח באתא דלאתחחחמין לשלמצו ברתה
בליליא ולא ביממא בשמא רבא
בשמצבאות קדוש
קדושקדוש קדוש קדוש אל
נקמותיייי אל נקמות מופיעאדוני אל
ישראלמלך מלכי
מלכיאאל צבאות שיחיש יחיששדי שאלוהים אל יה יה יה גיבור אשבעת עליך רוח
תתחמין ולא ולדה דשלמצואהיה
אשר אהיה אדוני אל
קדוש | I [adjure] against every spirit and against every... | ...in the name of Abrasax,
who is appointed over... | ...and the guardian of the boys... | ...guard of the
child [of Sh]lam[ṣu] | ...of the blessing... | [I-am]-who-I-am | ...of his/her
mother; and in the nam[e]... | … [I adju]re you, spirit,… | ...that you should
not force (?) and [not] | ...[Shla]mṣu daughter of... | ...and to the spirit
that is lodging... [you should not] | [be] seen to Shlamṣu dau[ghter of]... |
[neither at] night and not during the da[y]... | ...in the great name... | [of
Host]s Holy, Holy, Ho[ly, Holy] | [Hol]y, Holy, Holy ["God of vengeance] |
[Lord] God of vengeance [appeared" (Ps. 94:1)] | [the Lor]d God, God [of
Israel...] | [King of] the King of King[s]... | (lines 21-23 illegible) | ...God
of Hosts... | ...Yeḥish Yeḥi[sh]... | … | … Shaddai... [the G]od, God [of]... |
...Yah, Yah, Yah... | … | ...hero... | I [adjure] against you, spirit | [that
you should not] be seen and not... | ...the child of Sh[lamṣu]... | (lines 35-39
illegible) | [I-am-]who-I-am... | ...the Lord God... | … | ...La, La, La, La...
| ...Holy... | … | |
Ma'on-Nirim, 6th century CE. Amulet. Magic. | mani0004 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 500 CE and 600 CE | קמיע טב לאסתרברתה דטאסיסלפלטא יתה מןמזיקין
בישיןמן עין בישהמן רוח מן
שידמן טלני מןכל מזקין בישיןמן עין רעה מן מן רוח טמאהאם שמועתשמע בקול ייייאלהיך
והישרבעיניו תעשהוהאזנתהלמצוותיו
ושמרתה כל חוקיוכל המחלה אשרשמתי
רפאך | … | A proper [a]mulet for Esther, | Daughter of Tettius (Titus?) | [to] save her
from | the evil tormentors, | [from] evil eye, | [from] spirit, from demon, |
[fr]om shadow-spirit, from | [all] evil tormentors, | [from] evil eye, from |
...from im[pure] spirit, | …"if you will diligent[ly] | heed the L[ORD] | your
[G]od, and do what is right | in His si[ght], giving | e[ar] | [to] his
[co]mmandments | [and] keeping all his [laws] | [(then) all] the diseases
whi[ch] | [I brought upon the Eg]yptians | [I will not bring upon you] | for I
the LORD am your healer. (Ex. 15:26)] | ... | |
Horvat Ma'on, Fifth - Seventh centuries CE. Ceramic vessel. Votive. | maon0001 | Greek | Between 400 CE and 638 CE | Εὐλογία
Στεφάνου | [no translation] | |
Horvat Ma'on. Byzantine. Capital. Label. | maon0002 | Greek | Between 324 CE and 638 CE | + Ἁγίου Στεφάνου Μωναειτῶν. | Of St. Stephen of the people of Monois. | |
Maresha, 235-225 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0001 | Greek | Between 235 BCE and 225 BCE | Ζήνωνο | Zenon | |
Maresha, 225-205 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0002 | Greek | Between 225 BCE and 205 BCE | Παυσανία | Pausania | |
Maresha, 220-200 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0003 | Greek | Between 220 BCE and 200 BCE | Μένωνο Ἀγριάνιο | Menon Agrianios | |
Maresha, 205-170 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0004 | Greek | Between 205 BCE and 170 BCE | Σωκράτεῦ | Sokrates | |
Maresha, 235-200 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0005 | Between 235 BCE and 200 BCE | [no transcription] | Illegible | ||
Maresha, 205-170 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0006 | Greek | Between 205 BCE and 170 BCE | Δαμοκράτεῦ | Damokrates | |
Maresha, 191 or 189 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0007 | Greek | Between 191 BCE and 189 BCE | Ἐπὶ ΞενοφάνευςΒαδρομίου | XenofanesBadromios | |
Maresha, 190-185, 165-160, or 160-155 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0008 | Greek | Between 190 BCE and 155 BCE | ιγ ρογ τδ α ω νου Θεσμοφορίου | [no translation] | |
Maresha, 160-150 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0009 | Greek | Between 160 BCE and 150 BCE | Παυσανία | Pausania | |
Maresha, 145 BCE. Ceramic vessel. Label. | mare0010 | Greek | 145 BCE | Κώμου | Kommos | |
Maresha, 266-201 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0011 | Greek | Between 266 BCE and 201 BCE | α
ο ει τη | [no translation] | |
Maresha, 200-175 BCE. Amphora. Label. | mare0012 | Greek | Between 200 BCE and 175 BCE | ἐπὶ Ἀγαθο
Κνίδιον | [no translation] | |
Maresha, 500-401 BCE. Potsherd. Label. | mare0013 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 500 BCE and 401 BCE | בחש
ב | [no translation] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Potsherd. Label. | mare0014 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | זבדאדה עליד
תנחום לשנת
תבן טעון זי
לאמעתדן | ZBD'DH, by the hands ofTanḥum; to year 12 [or: 13 (?)]loads of straw:
4which are notprepared/ready (?) | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Potsherd. Label. | mare0015 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | כ
תבן טעון
זי לא מעתדן | PN [...by the hands of (?)]Tanḥumto year 12, loads of straw: 6which are
not prepared/ready (?) | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Potsherd. Label. | mare0016 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | רמתא
לאדר | The height / Ramta [...]On the 10th of Adar [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Potsherd. Label. | mare0017 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | עבדא ש ס
ל | ABD', barley: 2 seah [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Potsherd. Label. | mare0018a | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | בעליתן
ח | BALYTN 1 [...]barley: 1, wheat: 2 [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Potsherd. Label. | mare0018b | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | ש | [...]sheqel: 1 | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Amphora potsherd. Label. | mare0019 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | כלכל ס | KLKL, seah: 1 | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar potsherd. Label. | mare0020 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | נבו בר זבד
אמנו ח | NBW son of ZBD'MNW (?), wheat: 1(?) [kor] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar Sherd. Label. | mare0021 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | שפל
אמ | ŠPL: 2 [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar Sherd. Label. | mare0022 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | אה חזי ש
מרצעת ס
ג | ...ḤZY, Barley [X]MRṢʽT (?) S(eah): 10; G(riv), 4 [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar Sherd. Label. | mare0023 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | ק עבד
ל | [...] qab: 2, ʽBD[...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar Sherd. Label. | mare0024 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | דכרא | The ram | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar Sherd. Label. | mare0025 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | ביד
כת | In the hand of (?) [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar Sherd. Label. | mare0026 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | חמר בת | Wine [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar Sherd. Label. | mare0027 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | פחלץ | Sack (of straw) | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Bowl Sherd. Label. | mare0028 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | מפ
גרשאדכראי | [...]Ram [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar Sherd. Label. | mare0029 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | נחלא
על יד
אתסוך | [...] by the hand of[...]all [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Potsherd. Label. | mare0030 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | מפ
נגראקוסעדר עסן | [...]the carpenterQWS‘DR ‘SN (?): 3 [...] | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jar sherd. Label. | mare0031 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 300 BCE and 201 BCE | אפלונס | Apollonius | |
Maresha, 300-201 BCE. Jar sherd. Label. | mare0032 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 300 BCE and 201 BCE | אפלונס | Apollonius | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Jug sherd. Label. | mare0033 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | דמתריס | Demetrius | |
Maresha, 400-101 BCE. Sherd. Label. | mare0034 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 101 BCE | זבד | ZBD |