| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0298 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ועל | ...]○ and for ○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0299 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | א
א | ...]○’ ’[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0300 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | יעיה
ע | ...]y[...]‛yh‛○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0301 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ט | ṭ○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0302 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | דזי | dzy○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0303 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | א | ...]’○[... ... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0304 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | וירק | ...]w/yrq[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0305 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | נ בר
שה | ...]n son of [PN... ...]○š○h [... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0306 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | בר
י | ...]brḥ/ty |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0307 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | בר מנ | ... PN] son of m/n[... ... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0308 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | הנ | ...]hn[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0309 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | בכ | ...]b/k[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0310 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | דנ | ...]○d/r[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0311 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | תת | ... ...]○tt[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0312 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | נה | ...]○nh[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0313 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ב | b[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0314 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | בד | ...]b/d[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0315 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ה | ...]h[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0316 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | כר | k/r[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0317 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ה | ...]h |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0318 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ל | ...]l○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0319 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | חס
בר | ...]ḥ/s son of ○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0320 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | פבכ | ...]pb/k[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0321 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | י | ...]○○y○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0322 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | וה | ...]○wh[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0323 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ה
על | ...] h for[r... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0324 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | נת
ה | ...]nth[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0325 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ה | ...]h |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0326 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | א
ק | ’○[...○○q○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0327 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | א | ...]’[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0328 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ל
א | ...]l○[......]○○[......]○’[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0329 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | כר
מ | ...]○k/rm[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0330 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | מן
ל | ...] from the village of [... ...]l[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0331 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | מן כפר | ...] from v[illage... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0332 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ימ | ...]ym[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0333 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | בר י | son of y○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0334 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ס
זיממ | ...]s zymm[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0335 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ותם | ...]wts [... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0336 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ינ
מנ | ......]○yn[......]○○mn[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0337 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ובני | ...]wbny[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0338 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ועל
ה | and for h[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0339 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | למ | ...]lm[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0340 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | רבע | ...]rb‛[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0341 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ה | ...]h[... ... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0342 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | בר | ...PN] son of [PN... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0343 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | מ | ...]m○[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0344 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | מנ
ה | ...]○○mn[......]h[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0345 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | מ
וב | ○○m[...which [... wb[... |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block.
Dedicatory. | mger0346 | Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | [no transcription] | [no translation] |
| Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Roller.
Dedicatory. | mger0347 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ברתהבריה | His daughter / his son |