Title | ID | Language(s) | Date | Transcription | Translation | |
Hebron, 1 c. BCE - 1 c. CE. Wall. Funerary. | hebr0016 | Hebrew | Between 100 BCE and 100 CE | שפן IIII | Shafan 4 | |
Hebron, 1 c. BCE - 1 c. CE. Wall. Graffiti. | hebr0017 | Hebrew | Between 100 BCE and 100 CE | ינתן | Yonatan | |
Hebron, 24-27 186 CE. Diploma. Honorific. | hebr0018 | 186 CE | Imperator
Caesar divi
Marci Antonini Pii
filius, divi Pii
nepos, divi Hadriani
nepos, divi Traiani
Nervae adnepos Aurelius Commodus
Pius Felix Augustus
XI, imperator
V, pater
equitibus et
peditibus, qui
II, quae
appellantur Antiana Gallorum
milliaria et I
milliaria et I Damascenorum
II Galatarum et
sunt in Syria
Palaestina sub Iulio Lepidiano legato
pluribusve stipendiis
quorum nomina
Romanam, qui
eorum non
ded it et conubium
buissent, aut cum is, quas
postea duxissent, dumtaxat
pronepos, divi
XI, imperator
V, pater
equitibus et
militaverunt in alis II, quae
appellantur Antiana
Gallorum et Thracum et Antiana et
Romanorum et I
milliaria et I
milliaria et I Damascenorum et I
Galatarum et II
Galatarum et IIII
Bracaraugustanorum et sunt in Syria
sub Iulio Lepidiano legato
quinis et
pluribusve stipendiis
emeritis dimissis honesta missione,
quorum nomina sub scripta sunt,
civitatem Romanam, qui eorum non
haberent, dedit et conubium
cum uxoribus, quas tunc habuissent, cum est civitas iis data,
aut cum is, quas
posteaduxissent dumtaxat
diem V
Kalendas Decembres
Sabucio Maiore,
Gaio Valerio Senecione
I Thracum milliariae, cui
. Descriptum
aenea, quae
Minervam | [no translation] | ||
Hebron, Roman period. Votive plaque. Dedication. | hebr0019 | Between 30 BCE and 330 CE | Διὶ ἁγίῳ Ἀφροδίτη ἀνέθηκεν | Aphrodite dedicated (this) to Holy Zeus | ||
Hebron, Roman period. Votive plaque. Dedication. | hebr0020 | Between 30 BCE and 330 CE | Διὶ ἁγίῳω
Βερενίκη εὐχαριστοῦσα ἀνέθηκα | I, Berenice, gratefully dedicated (this) to Holy Zeus. | ||
Hefzibah, 201-195 BCE. Stele. Legal Correspondence. | hefz0001 | Greek | Between 201 BCE and 195 BCE | Βασιλεὺς Ἀντίοχος Πτολεμαίῳ χαίρειν. ἡμὰς σύνταξον
ἀναγραψαντας ἐν στήλαις λιθίναις ἢ δέλτοις λευκαῖςτὰς ἐπιστολὰς ἀναθεῖναι
ἐν ταῖς ὑπαρχούσαις κώμαις. γεγράφαμεν δὲπερὶ τούτων Κλέωνι καὶ Ἡλιοδώρῳ
τοῖς διοικηταῖς ἵνα ἐπακολούθωσιν. ΒΙΡ, ὙπερβρεταίουΒασιλεὺς Ἀντίοχος Κλέωνι
χαίρειν. τὰ καταγεγραμμένα παρ᾿ ἐμοῦ τῷ στρατηγῷηιυκαὶ ἀπιστῶν ἐνέσχεν ἐν
κτήμασιν ω αὐτῷ κατὰ τὸδοθὲν διὰ ντω ν δουπ ειε α τω ο μενῃ
χώραι.Βασιλεὺς Ἀντίοχος Κλέωνι χαίρειν. τοῦ ὑπομνήματος οὗ ἔδωκεν ἡμῖν
Πτολεμαῖοςὁ στρατηγὸς καὶ ἀρχιερεὺς ὑποτέτακται τὸ ἀντίγραφον. γενέσθω οὖν
ὥσπερ ἀξιοῖ. ΑΙΡ, Βασιλεῖ Ἀντιόχῳ ὑπόμνημα παρὰ Πτολεμαίου στρατηγοῦ καὶ
ἀρχιερέως.τῶν μὲν ὠνίων χρημάτων ἀξιῶ γραφῆναι ταῦθ᾿, ὅσα μὲν ἂν ᾗἐν ταῖς
κώμαις μουτοῖς λαοῖς πρὸς αὑτοὺς εἶναι ἐξαγώγιμα ἐπὶ τῶν παρ᾿ ἐμοῦ, ὅσα δ᾿
ἂν ᾗ πρὸς τοὺςτῶν ἄλλων κωμῶν ὅ τε οἰκονόμος καὶ ὁ ου προεστηκὼς
ἐπισκοπῶσιν. ἐὰν δε φο υηι ἢ καὶ μείζονα δοκῇ πέμπηται ἐπὶ τὸν ἐν Συρίαι καὶ
Φονικίῃστρατηγόν. τοὺς δὲ φρουράρχους καὶ τοὺς ἐπὶ τῶν τόπων τεταγμένους μὴ
περιστεῖλαι μηθένα τρόπον τοὺς παρηγουμένους. τὴν αὐτὴν
ἩλιοδώρῳΒασιλεὺς Ἀντίοχος Κλέωνι χαίρειν. τοῦ ὑπομνήματος οὗ ἔδωκεν
ἡμῖνΠτολεμαῖος ὁ στρατηγὸς καὶ ἀρχιερεὺς ὑποτέτακται τὸ
ἀντιγραφον.γενέσθω οὖν καθάπερ ἀξιοῖ. ΒΙΡ, Αὐδναίου δ᾿.Βασιλεῖ μεγάλῳ
Ἀντιόχῳ ὑπόμνημα παρὰ Πτολεμαίου στρατηγοῦκαὶ ἀρχιερέως. ἀξιῶ, ἐάν σοι
φαίνηται, βασιλευ, προς τεΚλέωνα καὶ Ἡλιόδωρον τοὺς διοικητὰς εἰς τὰς
ὑπαρχούσας μοι κώμαςἐγκτήσει καὶ εἰς τὸ πατρικὸν καὶ εἰς ἃς σὺ προσέταξας
καταγράψαι μηθενὶ ἐξουσίαν εἶναι ἐπισταθμεύειν κατὰ μηδεμίαν
παρεύρεσινμηδ᾿ ἑτέρους ἐπαγαγὼν μηδ᾿ ἐπιβολὴν ποιήσας καὶ ἐπὶ τὰ
κτήματα,μηδὲ λαοὺς ἐζάγειν. τὴν αὐτὴν Ἡλιοδώρῳ.Βασιλεὺς Ἀντίοχος
Μαρσύαι χαίρειν. ἐνεφάνισεν ἡμῖνΠτολεμαῖος ὁ στρατηγὸς καὶ ἀρχιερεὺς
πλείονας τῶν διοδευομένωνκαταλεύειν τε μετὰ βίας ἐν ταῖς κώμαις αὐτοῦ καὶ
ἄλλα ἀδικηματαοὐκ ὀλίγα συντελεῖσθαι μὴ προσέχοντας τοῖς παρ᾿ ἡμῶν
ἐπιστάθμοιςπερὶ τούτων ἐπιμέλειαν οὖν ποιοῖς, ὅπως μὴ μόνον
κωλύωνται ἀλλὰ καὶ ζημιῶνται δεκαπλαισίας, ἂν ποιῶνται βλαβαί. ἡ αὐτὴ
Λυσανίαι, Λέοντι, Διονίκῳ. Βασιλεὺς Ἀντίοχος Ἡλιοδώρῳ χαίρειν. τῆς ἐπιστολῆς
ἧςγεγράφαμεν πρὸς Μαρσύαν ὑποτέτακται τὸ ἀντίγραφον. συ δ᾿
οὖνἐπακλουθεῖ. ΖΙΡ, Ξανδικοῦ ὑπετάγη ἡ πρὸς Μαρσύαν ἡ αὐτή. Θεοδότῳ τῆς
πρὸς Λυσανίαν.Ἀπολλοφάνει τῆς πρὸς Λέοντα. Πλουτογένει τῆς πρὸς
Διόνικον. | King Antiochos to Ptolemaios greetings. … us, do order that having inscribed on
stelae of stone or white tablets the letters, one shall set them up in the
pertaining villages. We have, too, written about these matters to Kleon and
Heliodoros the dioiketai in order that they may act accordingly. Year 112,
Hyperberetaios … (September 200 BC). King Antiochos to Kleon greetings.
That which has been written by us to the strategos …. And he hold on disobeying
in possessions … to him according to what was given through … land. King
Antiochos to Kleon greetings. Of the memorandum which has given us Ptolemaios
the strategos and chief-priest is the copy enclosed. It shall now be as he
proposes Year 111 ( = 21st September 202 / 10th October 201 BC). To the
King Antiochos, memorandum by Ptolemaios, strategos and chief-priest. Of the
goods which are for sale I propose that those be listed which are able to be
exported from one village to another by mutual trade among the villagers in my
territories; but as to those which are (saleable) to the people of the other
villages (i.e., not within my territory), the oikonomos of the official in
charge of … are to have the regulation of them. When however … or even more …
shall be sent to the strategos of Syria and Phoenike but the commanders of the
garrisons and those in charge of the places shall not protect on no account
those who disregard (the instructions). The same letter to Heliodoros. King
Antiochos to Kleon greetings. Of the memorandum which has given us Ptolemaios
the strategos and chief-priest is the copy enclosed. It shall now be as he
proposes. Year 112 Audnaios 4th ( = 11th December 201 BC). To the great
King Antiochos, memorandum by Ptolemaios, strategos and chief-priest. I propose,
if you approve, King, … to Kleon and Heliodoros the dioiketai respecting the
villages belonging to me as property and hereditary tenure and respecting those
which you ordered to be assigned to me: that nobody should be allowed to quarter
under no pretence neither by bringing in others nor by assault on the
possessions and not to eject villagers. The same (letter) to Heliodoros.
King Antiochos to Marsyas greetings. There announced to use Ptolemaios the
strategos and chief-priest, that many of those travelling through lodge by
violence in his villages and do many other acts of injustice not caring for the
quarters prepared by us. Relating to this take care that they not only be
restrained but also punished tenfold if damages are done. The same (letter) to
Lysanias, Leon, Dionikos. King Antiochos to Heliodoros greetings. Of the
letter which we wrote to Marsyas is attached the copy. You now act accordingly.
(Year) 117 Xandikos ( = March 195 BC). Attached the same (letter) to Marsyas; to
Theodotos (a copy) of the (letter) to Lysanias; to Apollophanes (a copy) of the
(letter) to Leon; to Plutogenes (a copy) of the (letter) to Dionikos. | |
Heptapegon, Late 4th Century CE to Early 5th Century CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory | hept0001 | Greek | Between 395 CE and 408 CE | + Ὑπὲρ μνήμης καὶἀναπαύσεωςτοῦ
ἡμῶνΤ | For the memory and repose of the … our most pious father … | |
Heptapegon, Late 4th Century CE to Early 5th Century CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory | hept0002 | Greek | Between 395 CE and 408 CE | ΑΓΤΩΠΩμνήσθητι
Κύριε Σαούρου. | … Lord, remember Saouros. | |
Ḥorvat Ḥermeshit, Unknown. Inscription. Mosaic. | herm0001 | Greek | Between 32 CE and 638 CE | ἄλφα ὦμεγα | Alpha - Omega | |
Herodion. Late 5th Century CE to Early 6th Century CE. Mosaic. Offering. | hero0001 | Greek | Between 450 CE and 550 CE | Κύριε
καὶ ἅγιε Μηχαήλ πρόσδεξε τὴν καρποφωρίαν τὸ δούλον σου τὸ τέκνον Ἰουλέσα Ϲαφρίκα
καὶ Ἀναὴλ ἀδελφῶν καὶ τοὺς αὐτῶν
καὶ Ϲαλαέου
καὶ τὸ τέκνον αὐτοῦ
καὶ Ἀβραὰμ
καὶ τὸ τέκνον αὐτοῦ
καὶ Ζανας καὶ Νώνας
καὶ Ζὰνα θυγατὴρ Νόνας. | O Lord the Son Christ and holy Michael, receive the offering of your servant, the
child of Ioulesas, the brothers Saphrica and Anael and their households, and of
Salaeos and his child, and of Abraam and his child, and of Zana and Nonna and
Nonna's daughter Zana. | |
Herodion. Late 5th Century CE to Early 6th Century CE. Mosaic. Building. | hero0002 | Greek | Between 450 CE and 550 CE | + Αὔτη ἡ πύλητοῦ
Κυρίου εἰσελεύσοντε ἐν αὐτῇδίκαιοι +
Κυρίε Υἱὸς Χριστὸς
μνήσθητιτὸν δοῦλον σου Ἀναὴλ καὶϹαπρίκα. | This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter into it. O Lord the
Son, Christ, remember your servant Anael, and Saprica. | |
Herodion. Late 5th Century CE to Early 6th Century CE. Mosaic. Offering. | hero0003 | Greek | Between 450 CE and 550 CE | Ἅγιε Μιχαὴλ πρόσδεξε τὴν καρποφορίαντοῦ δούλου σου Ἀναὴλ +καὶ
τῶν διαφερόντων αὐτοῦϹαπρίκαν καὶ
Μάμαν ἀμήν. | Saint Michael, receive the offering of your servant Anael and his neighbours,
Saprica and Mamas. Amen. | |
Herodion. Late 6th Century CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory. | hero0004 | Greek | Between 550 CE and 600 CE | ΒΕϹΟ
ϹΟΟ ὑπὲρ
ἀμήν. | … for the salvation of those who gave offerings … Amen. | |
Herodion. 1st century CE. Copper Ring. Ownership Label. | hero0005 | Greek | Between 1 CE and 50 CE | Πιλάτου | Of Pilate | |
Herodion, 66-73 CE. Jar fragment, potsherd, ostrakon. Label (Ownership), Legal. | hero0006 | Hebrew | Between 66 CE and 73 CE | הרמא
חלקא דא עד קבלחרךבא ותוניה די עלוהילית לאנש בה
דרתאתברה | ... to raise ... This portion up to the front of the window … And the rooms on it
… Nobody has a courtyard in it … a receipt | |
Herodion, 66-73 CE. Jar fragment, potsherd, ostrakon. Label (Ownership), Legal. | hero0007 | Hebrew | Between 66 CE and 73 CE | שהד יעקב ברדן
בשטר די | … witness, Jacob son of… deed of... | |
Herodion, 1 c. CE. Wall. Unknown. | hero0008 | Hebrew | Between 1 CE and 100 CE | א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט
בעשרין ותרין לאדר שנת עשרין ותרוין
בירושלים | [no translation] | |
Herẓliyya, 5th century CE. Mosaic floor. Dedication. | herz0001 | Between 400 CE and 499 CE | Ἡ μοναρχικὴ ἐξουσία
ἐλεήσῃ ταπεινοὺς
καὶ ἐλεεινοὺς καμόν τας ἐν τῷδε τῷ οἴκῳ | May the sovereign power have mercy upon the lowly and miserable men who have
labored in this house. | ||
H. Hesheq, 519 CE. Mosaic, Dedicatory. | hesh0001 | Greek | 519 CE | + Ὑπὲρ σωτηρίας Δημητρίου
Γεοργίου υἱοῦ καὶ παντὸς τοῦ οἴκου αὐτῶν ἐτελειώθη τὸ πᾶν
μηνὶ Ἀπριλίου τοῦ πβφʹ ἔτους ἰνδικτιῶνος
ιβʹ. | For the salvation of the deacon Demetrios and his son Georgios and their entire
household, all of the work was completed in the month of April in the year 582,
indiction 12. | |
H. Hesheq, 512 CE. Mosaic. Prayer. | hesh0002 | Greek | 512 CE | +
Κύριε ὁ
Θεὸς τοῦ ἁγίου καὶ
ἐνδὸξου μἀρτυρος Γεοργίου μνήσθητιεἰς ἀγαθὸν τοῦ δούλου σοῦ Δημητρίου
διακόνου τοῦ κτίσαντος τόνἅγιον οἶκον τοῦτον καὶ Γεοργίου υἱοῦ καὶ
πᾶν τοῦ οἶκου αὐτῶν. | O Lord God of the holy and glorious martyr George, remember for the good your
servant Demetrios the deacon, who created this holy house, and George (his son)
and all their household. | |
H. Hesheq, 512 CE. Mosaic. Prayer. | hesh0003 | Greek | 512 CE | Κύριε ὁ
Θεὸς τοῦ ἁγίου Ϲεργίου
ἐλέησον τοῦ δούλου σοῦΔημήτριον
καὶ Γεόργιον υἱὸν καὶ παντὸς τοῦ οἴκου αὐτῶν. | O Lord God of Saint Sergios, have mercy on your servant Demetrios the deacon and
his son George and all their household. | |
H. Hesheq, 512 CE. Mosaic. Prayer. | hesh0004 | Greek | 512 CE | + Ὑπὲρ σωτηρίας Δημητρίου
διακόνουκαὶ Γεοργίου υἱοῦ καὶ
ἀναπαύσεος Ϲόμαδοςπατρὸς καὶ Δημητρίου καὶ Θεοδώρας
τέκνων. | For the salvation of the deacon Demetrios and his son Georgios, and the repose of
his father Somados and his children Demetrios and Theodora. | |
H. Hesheq, 512 CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory. | hesh0005 | Greek | 512 CE | + Ἀγαπᾶ
Κύριος τὰς πύλας Σιὼν
υἱὼν ὑπὲρ
πάντα τὰ σκενόματα᾿ Ιακώβ + | The Lord loves the gates of Sion more than all the dwelling-places of Jacob. | |
Hamat Gader, 6th century CE. Mosaic. Building. | hgad0001 | Hebrew | Between 500 CE and 599 CE | ודכיר לתב קירס הופּליס וקירה פּרוטון וקירס סלוסטיס
חתנה וקומס פּרורוס ברה וקיריס פּוטיס חתנה וקירס חנינה ברה הננון
ובניהון דמיצותון תדירן בכל אתר דהבון השה חמישה דינרין דהב מלד
עלמה יתן ברכתה בעמלהון אמן אמן סלה | And rembmered be fore good Lord Oples and Lady Protone, and Lord Sallustius his
son-in-law, and Comes Pheroros his son and Lord Photios his son-in-law, and Lord
Hananiah his son - they and their children - whose acts of charity are
constantly everywhere and who have given here five coins of gold. May the King
of the Universe bestow the blessing upon their work. Amen. Amen. Selah. | |
Hamat Gader, 6th century CE. Mosaic. Building. | hgad0002 | Hebrew | Between 500 CE and 599 CE | ודכיר
לתב רב תנחום הלוי בר
חלפה דהב חד טרימיסין ודכיר לתב מינוקה דסיסיפה
פטריק כפר עקביה ויוסה בר דוסתי דמן כפר נחום
דיהבון תלתיהון תלת גרמין מלך עלמה
יתן ברכתה בעמלהון
אמן אמן סלה ודכיר לטב יודן ארדה מן חימאוס דיהב תלתודכירין
לטב ארביליי דיהבון
מחירהון מלך עלם יתן ברכתה בעמלהון אמן אמן סלהודכר לטב קיריס ליאנטיס וקריה
קלניק דהב
ליקרה דכנישתהמלך עלמה תהן ברכתה בעמלה אמן
סלה שלום ודכירה לטב חדה
אתהאנטוליה דיהבת חד
דינר ליקרה דכנישתה מלך עלמה יתן ברכתה בעמלהאמן אמן סלה שלום ודכירין לטב עיריא דהבין חד טר יסין | [right panel] And re[membered be for] good Rav Tanhum the Levite, the so[n] of
Hjalfa, who has donated one tremissis; and remebered be for good the son of
Sisiphus(?) the [Se]pphgorite and [Lord Pa]tricus, of Kefar 'Aqabyah and Yoseh,
the son of Dositheus, of Kefar Nahum, who have, all three, donated three grmyn
(scruples?). May the King of the U[niverse best]ow the blessing upon [their]
works. Amen Amen Selah. And remembered be for good Yudan the architect (?) of
Emmmaus who has donated three [scruples?]. And remembered be for good the people
of Arbela who have donated the cost (?). May the King of the Universe bestow
blessing upon their work. Amen. Amen. Selah.[left panel] And remembered be
for good Lord Leontius and Lady Kalinike, who have donated … denarii in honor of
the synagogue. May the King of the Universe bestow blessing upon his work. Amen.
Amen. Selah. Peace. And remembered be for good a righteous woman, who has
donated one denarius in honor of the synagogue. May the King of the Universe
bestow blessing upon her work. Amen. Amen. Selah. Peace. And remembered be fore
good the inhabitants of the town/others who have donated one tremissis. | |
Horvat Hani, 6th century CE. Floor mosaic. Dedicatory. | hhan0001 | Greek | Between 500 CE and 599 CE | + ὑπὲρ σωτιρίαςσωτηρίας ΚυρυκοῦΚυρικοῦ Ἰσοῦ υἱοῦ καὶ Ἰωάννου υἱεοῦ
αὐτοῦ | + For the salvation of Kyrykos son of Ises and of John his son. | |
Horvat Hani, 700-750 CE . Mosaic Pavement. Commemorative, Prayer, Invocation. | hhan0002 | Greek | Between 700 CE and 750 CE | + Μνήτηθη κύρηε Ἀναστασίας
ἑγουμένης | Remember, Lord, Anasia/Anastasia the abbess/the most pious. | |
Horvat Hani, Early 6th Century CE. Mosaic. Dedication. | hhan0003 | Between 500 CE and 550 CE | +
Κύριε ὁ Θεὸς
πᾶνἔργον ἐπὶ
Ζαχαρια ἐπισκόπου | Lord [God of Saint Jo]hn, give re[st to Thy servant] Tana[elos?, who di]ed [in
peace?]. [This whole] work was done [under the most holy bishop Za]charias. | ||
Horvat Kanaf, Byzantine. Lintel. Dedicatory. | hkan0001 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 324 CE and 638 CE | הדה
איסכופתה דכיר לטב יוסה בר חלפו בר חניו דעבדה | [This is the lintel] remembered for good (be) Yose ben Halfo ben Honyo that I
made. | |
Horvat Kur. 350-425 CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory? | hkur0001 | Between 350 CE and 425 CE | [no transcription] | El'azar son of Yudan son of Susu (or Qoso / Qusu) | ||
Horvat Raqiq, Second-first century BCE. Pebble. Prayer. | hraq0001 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 150 BCE and 50 BCE | איה רוחא יחבורא יחנונאאניה אעתריא
ידע די כא שררנאערב עלא בגפין חמנא ברר לתא אלהנשו ופיא עם שרצת בתלתא
והצנאואלה אלה פשרתא תנשר ברתאלתפשר ברת תנשר אעצץ בר
שמשחרגל ברתל שבטבטא ברתאל צלמניתאשרא שרא גבר אפשר
צן אנתהברר לה בטוטא | O Spirit, the smoke of the henna!O A'attars! Let it be known that here
is our steadfastness (faithfulness);The hamman with (its) wings is
guarantor for it. Make clear for Ta', the god ofNashu, the accomplishment
of the vow with the profusion of closed flowers and sprouting.And these are
the disenchantresses: Tinshar daughter of El,Tipshar daughter of Tinshar,
A'asas son (or daughter) of Shamash,Hargol daughter of El, Shebatbata
daughter of El - the female statuettes.Release (O Spirit), release a man,
free (him) from (the spell of) a woman!You (disenchantresses) brought wood
for a counter-charm. (So, O Spirit) explain to him the spark! | |
Horvat Tinshemet, 582-586 CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory (Votive). | htin0001 | Greek | Between 582 CE and 586 CE | + Τοῦτό ἐστιν ὁ τόπος τοῦ Κυρίου Εἰσοῦς | This is the place of the Lord Jesus | |
Horvat Tinshemet, 500-600 CE. Mosaic. Place Marker. | htin0002 | Greek | Between 500 CE and 600 CE | + ἉγίουΒάκχου | (Church) of St. Bacchus | |
Horvat Tinshemet, 582-586 CE. Marble Medallion. Dedicatory. | htin0003 | Greek | Between 582 CE and 586 CE | +
Φλαουίου Θεοδώρου Προκοπίου ἐν μηνὶ Ξανθικῷ
τοῦ εμχ’ ἔτους. + | Under Flavius Theodorus Procopius …, in the month of Xanthikos of the year 645. | |
Horvat Tzalmon, 66-68 CE. Sarcophagus. Epitaph | htza0001 | Greek | Between 66 CE and 68 CE | λοχιγοῦ κοῖτος | A centurion's place of rest. | |
Huldah, Fifth century CE. Mosaic. Blessing. | huld0001 | Greek | Between 400 CE and 500 CE | Εὐλογία τῷλαῷ | Bles/sing to the / people | |
Huldah, Fifth century CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory | huld0002 | Greek | Between 400 CE and 500 CE | Εὐτυχῶς Εὐτοχίῳκαὶ Ἡσυχίῳ καὶ Εοὐαγρίῳ τοῖς
κτίστες | Good Luck / [to] Eustochius / and Hesichios / and Eovagrius / the found/ers | |
Huqoq, Fifth century CE. Mosaic. Dedicatory. | huqo0001 | Hebrew | Between 400 CE and 499 CE | וברוכין
העיר שהןמתחזקין בכלמצות כן
יהאענלכן ואמן
שלום | And blessed[are all the people of the town?] whoadhere to
allcommandments. So may beyour labor and Ame[n
Se]la[h][P]eace | |
Hura, late fourth or early fifth century CE. Mosaic. Dedication. | hura0001 | Between 350 CE and 450 CE | ἐπὶ τοῦ θεοφιλεστάτου Σομμ
ῶν καμάτων αὐτοῦ καὶ
ἐτελιώθη δὲ μηνὶ Ἀρτεμησίου | Under the most god-loving Somm... by his labors… was completed in the month of
Artemisios… | ||
Hura, 324 - 638 CE. Mosaic. Dedication. | hura0003 | Between 324 CE and 638 CE | ἐπὶ τοῦ θεοφιλεστάτου
Ἠλία πρεσβυτέρου
καὶ ἡγουμένου ἐτελιόθη τοῦτο τὸ ἔργον
ἐν μηνὶ Γορπέου
κζ́ ἰνδικτιόνος ά εὐξάμενος ὑπὲρ Ἀναστασίου ψιχῆς | Under the most god-loving Elias the priest
and abbot this work was completed on the
27th of the month of Gorpiaios, in the first
indiction, by a vow, for Anastasios’ soul. | ||
Hura, 324 - 638 CE. Mosaic. Decoration. | hura0004 | Between 324 CE and 638 CE | φῶς ζωή | light life | ||
Iamnia, 2nd century BCE. Sling bullet. Invocation. | iamn0001 | Between 200 BCE and 101 BCE | νίκη Ἡρακλέoυς καὶ Αὑρώνα | Victory of Heracles and Hauronas | ||
Negev, July 20 - August 18 359 CE. Ostrakon. Commodity Chit. | idum0001 | Aramaic, Hebrew | 359 BCE | זבידו בר עיראח
בר בעלרים מן טחון
תמוז שנת 46
ס 3
1 ק 4
זבדיאל | Zubaydu/Zubidu son of Ghayrah son of Baalrimfrom the gr[inding of] Tammus,
year 46:crushed/sifted grain, s(eahs), 3; q(abs), 4 (and a)
h(alf).Zabdiel(archaic alef) | |
Negev, 359 - 336 BCE. Ostrakon. Commodity chit. | idum0002 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 359 BCE and 336 BCE | זי היתי זבידובר עירארעידאח
מן בתבעל רים
בר עבדבעלי פחלץ 1 | [That which] Zubaydu/Zabidu son of Ghayrah from the house of Baalrim
broughtby the hand of Abdmilk son of Abdbaali:Bale, 1. | |
Negev, between 362 and 358 BCE. Ostrakon. Commodity chit. | idum0003 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 362 BCE and 358 BCE | ב 26 לתמוז הנעל קוסיתע לבני
בעלרםחנטן סאן עשרה ושתהקבן חמשה ופלג | On the 26th of Tammuz, Qosyatha of the sons of Baalrim brought inWheat,
seahs, sixteen; qabs, five and a half | |
Negev, between 362 and 358 BCE. Ostrakon. Commodity chit. | idum0004 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 362 BCE and 358 BCE | ב 26
לתמוז הנעל קוס
כר חד סאן חמשה קבןארבעה ופלג | On the 26th of Tammuz,Q[os] q from [the sons of Baal]rim brought into
Qos t:resh, kor, one; seahs, five; qabs, four and a half. | |
Negev, 359 - 336 BCE. Ostrakon. Commodity chit. | idum0005 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 359 BCE and 336 BCE | לפלאקוסבר בעלריםמשח ס 1 ר 1
ת1 | (line missing?)to Palaqos son of Baalrim:oil, s(eah), 1; q(ab), 1;
q(uarter), 1; e(ighth), 1 | |
Negev, 356 BCE. Ostrakon. Commodity chit. | idum0006 | Aramaic, Hebrew | 356 BCE | ב 21 לאדר עוי לבניבעלרים משח ס 1 ק 1
ף | On the 21st of Adar,R/Awi of the sons of Baalrim:o(il), s(eah), 1;
q(ab), 1 (and a) h(alf). | |
Negev, 356 BCE. Ostrakon. Commodity chit. | idum0007 | Aramaic, Hebrew | 356 BCE | ב 24 לסיון שנת 3
שעדאל לבני בעלריםלמסכנת מנקדהשכ 7 ס
ק 2 | On the 24th of Sivan, year 3,Saadel of the sons of Baalrimto the
storehouse of Makkedah:b(arley), k(ors), 7; s(eahs), 18; q(abs), 2. | |
Negev, 355 BCE. Ostrakon. Commodity chit. | idum0008 | Aramaic, Hebrew | 355 BCE | ב 26 לכסלו שנת 3
היתי שעדאל מן בניבעלרים למסכנת מנקדה שכ 8 | On the 26th of Kislev, year 3Saadel from the sons of Baalrim broughtto
the storehouse of Makkedahb(arley), k(ors), 8. |