Title | ID | Language(s) | Date | Transcription | Translation | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0148 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | די מן
יהוספ בר יסון הקרב
אבנה דה
ובאתרא | who is from [...] ...] Yehosef son of Jason offered this stone for lhyml[...
...] and in pla[c]e | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0149 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | זי
הקרב עמרמ
אנתתה ועל אבוהי
טב קדם אלהא | [That which] 'Amram son [PN] offered ... for] his [wife] and his father and [...
... for] food [remembrance] before Go[d... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0150 | Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | אשר
הקריב יוסף בן
אשתו ועל בניו
אדני במקדש | [That which] Yosef [son of PN] offered [for] his [wi]fe and for his sons [before
the Lo]rd in the temple | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0151 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | קדם
אדני | ... ...] before the Lo[rd ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0152 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | זי
הקרב שמעון בר
דנה | That which of]fered Shi[m'o]n son of [... before Go]d in [this pl]ace | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0153 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | זי הקרב
רבעא זי לדכרן
טב קדמ אלהא
דנה | That which offered [PN ... rb'' which [... for] good [remembrance before [God in
this place] | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0154 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | די
ב על
אלהא באתרא
דנה | That which [... ...]b for hi[mself ... ... before the Go]d in [this] pla[ce
... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0155 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרן טב קדם אלהא באתרא
דנה | ... for] good [remem]brance before God in this place | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0156 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ס די מתרקה לקיס אסר
טב | ...]s called Lykias 'sr [... [good] remembrance [... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0157 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | פלותס זי מן
חיי נפשה אנתתה
טב | ...] Ploutas which from ...] his own life his wife [... ...for] good
[remem]brance [... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0158 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | זי
הקרב חנינא בר א
טב | That which offer]ed Hanina son of '[... ...] for good remembrance [... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0159 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | זי הקרב
טב | [That which] offered [... ...] for himself and [his] wif[e ... ... for] good
[remembrance | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0160 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ועל
טב קדם
באתרא זנה | ... and for] his [wi]fe [... [for] good [remembrance] befo[re God] in] this
[place] | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0161 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | דריונ די מן
ועל בנוהי לדכרן
טב | ...]d/rywn who is from [GN ...and fo]r his sons for [good remembrance ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0162 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ננ
ובנה מן
דנה | ...]nn[... ...] and his son fro[m ... before Go[d in this ] pla[ce ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0163 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | למ
ועל אנתתה
טב | ...]lm [... ...] and for [his] wi[fe ... ...] for [good] remembran[ce ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0164 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ה בר
טב | ...]h son of n/s[... ...] for [good] remembran[ce ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0165 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לוי
טב | Levi [... for [good] remembrance [... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0166 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרן
בד | ...for] good [remembran]ce [... ...]'lb/dnb/d[... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0167 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | על
הי לדכרן
דנה | ...] f[o]r him ...] his [so]ns for [good] remembrance [in this place] | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0168 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ה מן
טב | ...]h from ...] for [good] remembrance [... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0169 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | אישנת
טב קדם
דנה | ...] [... ...]'/ysnt[... ... for go]od [remembrance] befo[re God in this
place] | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0170 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | עלוהי על יהונתן
באתרה דנה | ... for hi]m for Yehona[tan ... ...] in th[is] p[l]ace | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0171 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרן
ל | ... for go]od [re]membrance [... ...]hwdn [... ...]l[... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0172 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | אנתתה
אלהא זי | ...] his [wi]fe [... ... before Go]d who [... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0173 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | אנתתה ועל
דנה | ...] his [w]ife and for ... in th]is [place | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0174 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | בר
טב | ...] son of [... ...] for [good] rem[embrance ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0175 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | בר זי
טב | ...] son of z/y[... ...] for [his] w[ife ... ...] for [good remembrance ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0176 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ועל לדכרן
טב באתרא
דנה | and for [... for] good [remembrance] in [this] p[lace] | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0177 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרן
טב | ... for] good [re]membrance | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0178 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרן טב | ... for] good [remembrance ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0179 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | דכרן
טב | [good] remembran[ce ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0180 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרן
טב קדם
אלהא | ... for] good [remembrance] be[fore God ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0181 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרן
טב | ... for] good [re]membrance [... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0182 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרן טב
אלהא | ... for] go[od] remembrance [before God | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0183 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרן
טב | ...] for [good] remembrance [... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory | mger0184 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | דכרן
טוב | good] remembran[ce... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0185 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | דכרן
טב | ... ... [good] remem[brance ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0186 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | א
לדכרן טב | ...]’ ... for] good [remembrance | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0187 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרנ
ב | ... for] good re[membrance | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0188 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | קדם אלהא | ...] before [God ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0189 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | קדם | ...] before | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0190 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | קדם אלהא | ...] before the Go[d ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0191 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | קדמ
אלהא | ... ... before] God | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0192 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | מ
קדמ אלהא | m [... before [God ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0193 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | באתרא
דנה | ... ...] m [this] pla[ce ... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0194 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | לדכרנ
טב באתרא דנה | ... for go]od [remembrance] in this place | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0195 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | ה
באתרדנ | ...] h b’trdn[... | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0196 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | באתרא
דנה | ... in] this place | |
Mt. Gerizim, probably 200-100 BCE, maybe 400-200 BCE. Stone Block. Dedicatory. | mger0197 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 400 BCE and 100 BCE | באתרא
אלס | ...] in [this] pla[ce ...] 'ls |