Title | ID | Language(s) | Date | Transcription | Translation | |
Jerusalem, 3rd or 2nd century BCE. Stele. Confession. | jeru0572 | Greek | Between 299 BCE and 100 BCE | Ὅρκος· Ἄρης αὐλητὴς τάδε· τοὺς στρατιώτας ἐπήγαγον ἐπὶ οἰκίαν τῶν θεῶν τούτων
καὶ οὐκ ἐφάμην
καὶ τοὺς ἱερεῖς μαστιγῶσαι παίειν ἤθελον καὶ οὐκ ἔλαθον, κολασθείς
ὑπὸ τῶν θεῶν τούτων
μου ἀπώλεσαν καὶ ἐμοὶ ἕλκος ἐνέβαλον ΚΑσαν καὶ ΤΑΑἔμπυον
ΤΗΕΠ | (The case of the) oath: Flute-player Ares (says) this: I led [(the) soldiers] to
the hou[se of] these [gods] and I refused (?) to/said I would not […] and I
wanted to flo[g] the priests and I did not escape detection, [?punished] by
these gods he[re:] they killed my […] and inflicted me with [?a festering wound]
and they […] and […] festering […] | |
Judea, 1st century BCE. Ossuary. Epitaph. | jeru0574 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 100 BCE and 1 BCE | הנניה בר | Hanania son of …? | |
Jerusalem, 70-100 CE. Slab. Epitaph. | jeru0575 | Latin | Between 70 CE and 100 CE | Dolens miles cohortis A M | Dolens […] foot soldier of cohors […] | |
Jerusalem, 66-100 CE. Unknown object. Label. | jeru0576 | Latin | Between 66 CE and 100 CE | Ɔcenturia Sisennae | Century of Sisenna | |
Jerusalem, 116-117 CE. Ashlar. Offering. | jeru0577 | Latin | Between 116 CE and 117 CE | Iovi Optimo Maximo Sarapidi pro salute et victoria Imperatoris Nervae
Traiani Caesaris Optumi Augusti Germanici Dacici Parthici et populi Romani
vexillatio legionis III Cyrenaicae fecit. | To Jupiter the Best and Greatest Serapis for the salvation and victory of
Imperator Nerva Traianus Caesar Augustus, the Best, with the victory titles
Germanicus, Dacicus, Parthicus, and of the Roman people, the vexillation of
legio III Cyrenaica erected this. | |
Jerusalem, 117-138 CE. Building stone. Offering. | jeru0578 | Latin | Between 117 CE and 138 CE | Imperatori Caesari divi Traiani Parthici filio divi Nervae nepoti
Traiano Hadriano Augusto pontifici maximo tribunicia potestate
XIXXX imperatori II consuli III patri patriae os libertus
eius per vexillationes legionum et X Fretensis et II Traianae
et et XII Fulminatae | For the imperator Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus, son of the deified Traianus Parthicus, grandson of the deified Nerva […]us his freedman handbuilt this with the help of the vexillations of the legio […], legio X Fretensis, legio II Traiana, […], and legio XII Fulminata […] | |
Jerusalem, 70-139 CE. Tablet. Epitaph. | jeru0579 | Latin | Between 70 CE and 139 CE | Tiberius Claudius Tiberi filius Poplilia Fatalis domo Roma Ɔcenturio
legionis II Augustae, legionis XX Victricis, legionis II Augustae,
legionis XI Claudiae piae fidelis, legionis XIV Geminae Martiae
Victricis, legionis XII Fulminatae, legionis X Fretensis, III
hastatus vixit annos XLII, militavit annos XXIII. Claudia Ionice
liberta et heres ob merita eius. Ossa tibi bene quiescant. Terra
tibi levis sit. | Tiberius Claudius Fatalis, son of Tiberius, of the tribe Poplilia, born in Rome.
He was centurion in legio II Augusta, in legio XX Victrix, in legio II Augusta,
in legio XI Claudia, the pious and trustworthy, in legio XIV Gemina Martia
Victrix, in legio XII Fulminata, in legio X Fretensis, where he had the rank of
a tertius hastatus. He lived 42 years and served in the army for 23 years.
Claudia Ionice, his freedwoman and heiress erected this tomb on account of his
merits. May your bones rest quietly, may the earth be light upon you. | |
Jerusalem, 100-200 CE. Graffito. | jeru0580 | Latin | Between 100 CE and 200 CE | Ɔcenturia ΔDomitii Firmi | Century of Domitius Firmus | |
Jerusalem, 100-300 CE. Slab. Epitaph. | jeru0581 | Latin | Between 100 CE and 300 CE | Dis Manibus Marco Bai optioni legionis X Fretensis
Quintus Ves et ius Flo et cognato bene merenti
Firmi | For the spirits of the deceased. For Marcus Bai[…], their kinsman, optio of legio
X Fretensis, Quintus Ves[…] and […]us Flo[…] built this grave for him, who was
well deserving. | |
Jerusalem, 2nd century CE. Tombstone slab. Epitaph. | jeru0582 | Latin | Between 100 CE and 200 CE | Glauco Artemidori Zeugmatevixit annis LXXVIII
Cypriae Marcellae coniugi Glauci
vixit annis XLVIII Flavio Demetriano filio eorum piovixit annis
XXVIITitus Flavius Clemens parentibus ponendum curavit | To Glaucis Artemidorus of Zeugma who lived 78 years, to Cypria Marcella, the wife
of Glaucus, who lived 48 years, to flavius Demetrianus, their pious son, who
lived for 27 years, Titus Flavius Clemens the son erected this for his
parents. | |
Jerusalem, 2nd-3rd century CE. Block. Epitaph. | jeru0583 | Latin | Between 100 CE and 300 CE | Hetereio
Rufus patronus | For Hetereius Graptus, freedman of …, his patron … Hetereius Rufus (has erected
this tomb). | |
Jerusalem, 193-235 CE. Column Base. Dedicatory. | jeru0584 | Latin | Between 193 CE and 235 CE | Marco IunioMaximolegato Auggustorumlegionis X Fretensis
AntoninianaeGaius Domitius Sergia tribuGaius Domitius Iulius
Honoratusstrator eius | For Marcus Iunius Maximus, legate of two emperors of legio X Fretensis
Antoniniana, Gaius Domitius, member of the tribe Sergia, Iulius Honoratus, his
strator, erected this statue. | |
Jerusalem, 2nd-3rd century CE. Slab. Epitaph. | jeru0585 | Latin | Between 100 CE and 300 CE | Dis Manibus Manio Lorenio N vixit annosManius
Lorenius | To the spirits of the deceased. For Manius Loreinius N..., who lived … years,
Manius Loreinius … erected this tomb. | |
Jerusalem, Byzantine or later. Mosaic. Verse. | jeru0586 | Greek | Between 324 CE and 800 CE | + κύριος φυλάξη τὴν εἰσοδόν σου καὶ τὴν ἐξοδόν σου. | May the Lord guard your coming in and your going out. | |
Jerusalem, 70-210 CE. Slab. Building Inscription. | jeru0587 | Latin | Between 70 CE and 210 CE | Vexillatiolegionis X Fretensis | Vexillation of legio X Fretensis | |
Jerusalem, 70-210 CE. Slab. Building Inscription. | jeru0588 | Latin | Between 70 CE and 210 CE | Vexillatiolegionis
fecit | Vexillation of legio X Fretensis built this | |
Jerusalem, 100 BCE-100 CE. Ossuary. Epitaph. | jeru0589 | Greek | Between 100 BCE and 100 CE | Ἰωσήπου πενθεροῦ
Δρόσου | Of Joseph, father-in-law (or son-in-law) of Drusus | |
Jerusalem, Byzantine. Slab. Epitaph. | jeru0590 | Greek | Between 324 CE and 638 CE | + Θήκη Ἰωάνου Ἀμένιου
σταβυλαριου | Tomb of Ioanes Armenian, stabularius. | |
Jerusalem, 1st century BCE-1st century CE. Slab. Dedicatory. | jeru0591 | Greek | Between 100 BCE and 70 CE | Θεόδοτος Οὐεττήνου, ἱερεὺς
καὶἀρχισυνάγωγος, υἱὸς
ἀρχισυναγώγου, υἱωνὸς ἀρχισυναγώγου,
ᾠκοδόμησε τὴν συναγωγὴν εἰς ἀνάγνωσιννόμου καὶ εἰς
διδαχὴν ἐντολῶν, καὶτόν ξενῶνα,
καὶ τὰ δώματα καὶ τὰ χρηστήρια τῶν ὑδάτων εἰς κατάλυμα τοῖς χρήζουιν ἀπὸ τῆς ξένης, ἣν ἐθεμελὶωσαν οἱ
πατέρες αὐτοῦ καὶ οἱ πρεσβύτεροι καὶ Σιμωνὶδης | Th[e]odotus son of Vettenus, priest and / a[r]chisynagogos, son of an
archisyn[ago]/g[o]s, grandson of an archisyn[a]gogos, bu/ilt the synagogue for
the r[ea]d/i[ng] of the torah and the [t]eachi[n]g of the commandments, and /
t[h]e guest-chamber an[d the] rooms and the ins/ta[l]lations of water for
lodging for thos/e [n]eeding them from ab[r]oad, which was fou/n[de]d by [h]is
fathers and the e/l[d]ers and Simon[i]des . | |
Jerusalem, 475-550 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. | jeru0592 | Georgian | Between 475 CE and 550 CE | ესე სამარხოუ იოანე პუyრ თაველ ეფისქოფოსისაy კარტველისაy + | This is the grave of Iohane bishop of P'urtavi, a Georgian. | |
Jerusalem, 2nd-3rd century CE. Cobalt glass amulet. Magic. | jeru0593 | Greek | Between 100 CE and 300 CE | Σαβάωθ | "of the hosts" | |
Jerusalem, Early Byzantine. Tombstone. Epitaph. | jeru0594 | Greek | Between 324 CE and 550 CE | +
Μνῆμα διὰ
Ἀλεξάνδρου | Private tomb of Alexander | |
Jerusalem, 375-450 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. | jeru0595 | Greek | Between 375 CE and 450 CE | + Θήκη διαφ/έροντες Ἀλέξανδρος
καὶ Σοφίας | Private tomb of Alexander and Sophia | |
Jerusalem, 375-450 CE. Tombstone. Epitaph. | jeru0596 | Greek | Between 375 CE and 450 CE | +
Μνημεῖον Λαμπαδίου πρεσβυτέρου | Tomb of Lampadius the elder | |
Jerusalem, Late Byzantine. Tombstone. Epitaph. | jeru0597 | Greek | Between 500 CE and 638 CE | + Θήκη
τέκτϛονος Σίτιωνος | Tomb of Stephanos the builder (son of?) Sition. Or: Tomb of Stephanos the builder (from?) Sition. | |
Jerusalem, 23 BCE-70 CE. Marble Slab. Legal. | jeru0598 | Greek | Between 23 BCE and 70 CE | Μηθένα ἀλλογενῆ εἰσπορεύεσθαι ἐντὸς τοῦ περὶ τὸ ἱερὸν τρυφάκτου καὶ
περιβόλου. Ὃς δ᾽ ἂν ληφθῇ, ἑαυτῶι αἴτιος ἔσται διὰ τὸ ἐξακολουθεῖν
θάνατον. | No stranger is to enter
within the balustrade round
the temple and
enclosure. Whoever is caught
will be himself responsible
for his ensuing
death. | |
Jerusalem, 23 BCE-70 CE. Marble Slab. Legal. | jeru0599 | Greek | Between 23 BCE and 70 CE | Μηθένα ἀλλογενῆ
ἐντὸς τοῦ περὶ
τρυφάκτου καὶ περιβόλου.
ληφθῇ, ἑαυτῶι
διὰ τὸ ἐξακολουθεῖν
θάνατον. | No stranger is to enter within the balustrade round the temple and enclosure.
Whoever is caught will be himself responsible for his ensuing death. | |
Jerusalem, 70-130 CE. Slab. Epitaph. | jeru0600 | Latin | Between 70 CE and 130 CE | vixitannos
XXXVIII - militavit
annos - XV - Lucianus fratri edificavit de suo. | [So-and-so] lived 38 years, served in the army 15 years. Lucianus erected (this) to his brother from his own money. | |
Jerusalem, early 3rd century CE. Slab. Epitaph. | jeru0601 | Latin | Between 200 CE and 225 CE | Dis
Lucius Magnius
Felix miles
XVIIII, vixit
XXXIX. | To the spirits of the deceased. Lucius Magnius Felix, soldier of the Legio X
Fretensis, beneficiarius of a tribune (of the legion). Served nineteen years.
Lived thirty-nine (years). | |
Jerusalem, 1st century BCE-1st centuy CE. Ossuary. Funerary. | jeru0602 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 100 BCE and 100 CE | יהוסף בר עגלון | Yehosef the son of 'Eglon | |
Jerusalem, Byzantine. Mosaic. Verse. | jeru0603 | Greek | Between 324 CE and 638 CE | + Κύριος φυλάξῃ τὴν εἴσοδόν σου καὶ τὴν ἔξοδόν σου. | May the Lord protect your coming in and your going out. | |
Jerusalem, 3rd Century CE. Slab. Funerary Epitaph. | jeru0604 | Latin | Between 201 CE and 300 CE | Dis
Tarquitiae Silvanillae. Vixit
Pater Eius Fecit. | To the sacred shades of Tarquitia Silvanilla. She lived 9 months ... her
father had (the tomb) made. | |
Jerusalem, 3rd Century CE. Slab. Funerary Epitaph. | jeru0605 | Latin | Between 201 CE and 300 CE | Dis
M'anius Lori
Vixit an | To the sacred shades. Manius Lori lived ... years. | |
Jerusalem, 4th-3rd c BCE, Ostrakon. Dedication. | jeru0607 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 401 BCE and 301 BCE | לאשיהו בר תא
למשלמת ברת מ | […] to/for Josiah son of T'[…] […] to/for MŠLMT daughter of M[…] | |
Jerusalem, 117-138 CE. Block. Dedicatory. | jeru0610 | Latin | Between 117 CE and 138 CE | Imperatori Caesari divi Traiani
Parthici filio divi Nervae nepoti
Traiano Hadriano Augusto | For Imperator Caesar, son of deified Traianus, victor over the Parthians, grandson of the deified Nerva, Traianus Hadrianus Augustus... | |
Jerusalem, 2-3rd century CE. Wall. Funerary. | jeru0611 | Latin | Between 101 CE and 300 CE | Iuliae Sabinae
O Fecit | For Iulia Sabina … (someone) has erected (this tomb). | |
Jerusalem, 2-3rd century CE. Slab. Funerary. | jeru0612 | Latin | Between 101 CE and 300 CE | Dis manibus
vixit menses IX
pater eius fecit | To the spirits of the deceased. For Tarquitiia Silvanilla, who lived nine months, her father made this tomb. | |
Jerusalem, 117-138 CE. Seal, Dedicatory. | jeru0613 | Latin | Between 117 CE and 138 CE | Imperatoris
Augusti | (Property) of Imperator Hadrianus Augustus | |
Jerusalem, Late 1st- Early 2nd century CE. Stamp. Label. | jeru0614 | Latin | Between 50 CE and 150 CE | Ↄcenturia Amati
opus Gai Antoni | Century of Amatius, work of Gaius Antonius | |
Jerusalem, 70-300 CE. Block. Label. | jeru0615 | Latin | Between 70 CE and 300 CE | Legio X Fretensis | legio X Fretensis | |
Jerusalem, 2nd Century CE. Slab. Building. | jeru0616 | Latin | Between 101 CE and 200 CE | Publius Vaiosio | … P(ublius) Va...ius … built/supervised the building. | |
Jerusalem, Early 3rd century CE. Slab. Funerary. | jeru0617 | Latin | Between 201 CE and 250 CE | Dis Manibus
Lucius Magnius
miles legionis X Fretensis beneficiarius tribuni
militavit annos XVIIII vixit XXXIX | To the spirits of the deceased. Lucius Magninus Felix, soldier of the legio X Fretensis, beneficiarius of a tribune (of the legion). Served nineteen years. Lived thirty-nine (years). | |
Jerusalem, last 1st- early 2nd century, CE. Stamp. Acclamation. | jeru0618 | Latin | Between 50 CE and 150 CE | ↃCenturia Casperi
opus Canini | Century of Casperius, work of Caninus | |
Jerusalem, 70-337 CE. Stamp. Ownership. | jeru0619 | Latin | Between 70 CE and 337 CE | Primi | Product of Primus | |
Jerusalem, Late 1st-Early 2nd c. CE. Stamp. Acclamation. | jeru0620 | Latin | Unknown | Centuria Aponi
Sutori | Century of Aponius (?), (work) of Sutorius (?). | |
Jerusalem, 2-3 c. CE. Unknown. Unknown. | jeru0621 | Between 101 CE and 300 CE | [no transcription] | [no translation] | ||
Jeruslam, 4 c. CE. Block. Verse. | jeru0622 | Hebrew | Between 301 CE and 400 CE | וראיתם ושש לבכם
ועמותם כדשא | You shall see and your heart shall rejoice and their bones like grass (shall
flourish) | |
Jerusalem, 6 c. CE or later. Block. Dedicatory. | jeru0623 | Hebrew | Between 501 CE and 638 CE | יי אלהי צבאות
תבני הבית הזה
בחיה יעקב בן
יסף ותיופולקטוס
וסיסיניה ואנסטסיה
אמן ואמן
סלה | God the Lord of Hosts, may you build this house in the lifetime of Ya'akov son of
Yosef, and (in the lifetime of) Theophylactus and Sisiniya and Anastasia. Amen
and Amen, Selah. | |
Jerusalem, 3-5 c. Slab. Funerary. | jeru0624 | Hebrew, Aramaic | Between 201 CE and 500 CE | פסוי בר אהרן דמן אבודן ניחן נפשה | Yosef son of Aharon, who is from/of 'bwdn(?). May his soul (find) rest. | |
Jerusalem, 3-6 century CE. Wall. Graffiti. | jeru0625 | Aramaic, Hebrew | Between 201 CE and 600 CE | נער שלום | Youth, Peace |