a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v

Part of Speech Filter:

Select language: LatinGreekHebrewAramaic

Latin Wordlist

The following is the wordlist of Latin in the Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine. The list presents each headword, its part of speech, and the number of times that word appears in the corpus. To see each of the specific morphological forms, click on the brown button next to the headword. You will be presented with a list of word forms, their morphological data, and counts of their appearances in the IIP corpus. This display will also show keyword-in-context views, presenting the contexts in which these words appear.

This wordlist provides links to the Perseus Latin dictionary, indicated with the dictionary icon (dictionary icon). Double Tree KWIC visualization functionality (tree icon) is still in progress and is not yet available.

For the index of Personal Names in Latin, click here. For the other indices for Latin, click here.

a X (1)
Dictionary icon
aa N (1)
Dictionary icon
ac CC (1)
Dictionary icon
adiutor N (1)
Dictionary icon
Aelius PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
aemilius ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Aemilius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Africanus PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
Africes PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Agrippa PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
ala N (2)
Dictionary icon
Alamannicus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
amicus N (1)
Dictionary icon
amineus ADJ (2)
Dictionary icon
Amphora PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Anchararius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Ancharius PROPN (4)
Dictionary icon
Annius PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
annus N (4)
Dictionary icon
Antoniniana PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
Antoninos PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
Antoninus PROPN (4)
Dictionary icon
Antonius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Aphrodilus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
appello V (1)
Dictionary icon
Arbaeus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
armeniacus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Atilius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Aufidius PROPN (4)
Dictionary icon
Augindaus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
augur N (1)
Dictionary icon
auguris N (1)
Dictionary icon
Augusta PROPN (4)
Dictionary icon
augustalis ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Augustalis PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Augustus PROPN (49)
Dictionary icon
Aurel PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Aurelius PROPN (6)
Dictionary icon
Aurrelius PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
Aurunculeius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
b X (1)
Dictionary icon
barbarus N (1)
Dictionary icon
Bassus PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
bene ADV (3)
Dictionary icon
Boethus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
bonus ADJ (5)
Dictionary icon
Bracaraugustani PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Britannicus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Bubastus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
c X (1)
Dictionary icon
Caesar PROPN (33)
Dictionary icon
Caesarea PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
Caius PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
Callaeci PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Calliste PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Calpurnianum PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Camilia PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Campestra PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Cantabri PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Capricornus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Casesarus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
causa N (2)
Dictionary icon
causter N (1)
Dictionary icon
censor N (2)
Dictionary icon
centurio N (5)
Dictionary icon
cimanus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
ciuitas N (1)
Dictionary icon
Claudius PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
Clemens PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Cleopatra PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
cohors N (2)
Dictionary icon
Colonia PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
colonia N (3)
Dictionary icon
coniux N (2)
Dictionary icon
connubium N (1)
Dictionary icon
Constans PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
constans ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Constantius PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
constituo V (1)
Dictionary icon
consul N (7)
Dictionary icon
consularis ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
consuls ADJ (2)
Dictionary icon
cum PREP (1)
Dictionary icon
curator N (1)
Dictionary icon
curia N (1)
Dictionary icon
custodia N (1)
Dictionary icon
cyrenaicus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
d X (1)
Dictionary icon
Damas PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
damascena N (1)
Dictionary icon
de PREP (2)
Dictionary icon
decretum N (5)
Dictionary icon
decurio N (5)
Dictionary icon
decurionum N (1)
Dictionary icon
deditus N (1)
Dictionary icon
deiotariana NUM (1)
Dictionary icon
deuotus ADJ (6)
Dictionary icon
Deus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
dicatissimus N (1)
Dictionary icon
dimitto V (1)
Dictionary icon
Diocletianum PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
Diocletianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Dis PROPN (4)
Dictionary icon
diuus ADJ (4)
Dictionary icon
do V (8)
Dictionary icon
dominus N (5)
Dictionary icon
Domitianus PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
donum N (1)
Dictionary icon
duo NUM (1)
Dictionary icon
duumviralis ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
e X (3)
Dictionary icon
egregius ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
eius N (3)
Dictionary icon
eorum N (1)
Dictionary icon
eques N (4)
Dictionary icon
est N (1)
Dictionary icon
et CC (34)
Dictionary icon
Eudemus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
ex PREP (5)
Dictionary icon
extinctor N (1)
Dictionary icon
f X (1)
Dictionary icon
facio V (4)
Dictionary icon
fecerunt N (1)
Dictionary icon
fecit N (2)
Dictionary icon
Felicissimus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
feliciter N (1)
Dictionary icon
Felicus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Felix PROPN (8)
Dictionary icon
felix ADJ (11)
Dictionary icon
Fermilianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Ferrata PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
ferratae N (2)
Dictionary icon
fidelis ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
filia N (1)
Dictionary icon
filius N (14)
Dictionary icon
Flauia PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Flauianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Flauius PROPN (7)
Dictionary icon
Flavia PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
fortis N (3)
Dictionary icon
fortus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Francico PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
frater N (2)
Dictionary icon
fretensis ADJ (34)
Dictionary icon
Fretensis PROPN (17)
Dictionary icon
frumentarior N (1)
Dictionary icon
Fulminata PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Furius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Gae PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Gaetuli PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Gaius PROPN (8)
Dictionary icon
Galerius PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
Gemonneus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Geniu PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Genius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
genus N (1)
Dictionary icon
Germanicus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Gordianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
h X (1)
Dictionary icon
Hadrianus PROPN (11)
Dictionary icon
haereo V (1)
Dictionary icon
heres N (2)
Dictionary icon
Herinnius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Hestia PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
hic DET (1)
Dictionary icon
Hilarus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
ho V (1)
Dictionary icon
honestus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
honor N (2)
Dictionary icon
imperator N (33)
Dictionary icon
imperium N (1)
Dictionary icon
imuictus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
in PREP (2)
Dictionary icon
incolumitas N (1)
Dictionary icon
inuictus ADJ (2)
Dictionary icon
invictus ADJ (5)
Dictionary icon
Iosepus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
ipse DET (1)
Dictionary icon
is DET (9)
Dictionary icon
Isidorianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Isis PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
italiquus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
iubeo V (1)
Dictionary icon
Iudaea PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
Iulianus PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
iulius ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Iulius PROPN (10)
Dictionary icon
Iustinus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
iuuentus N (2)
Dictionary icon
ivo V (1)
Dictionary icon
Latium PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
legatus N (10)
Dictionary icon
legio N (25)
Dictionary icon
Legio PROPN (4)
Dictionary icon
Legion PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
legionus N (1)
Dictionary icon
Legium PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
liberatus N (1)
Dictionary icon
liberi N (1)
Dictionary icon
libertus N (2)
Dictionary icon
Liuius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Longinus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Lucilius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Lucius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
ludus N (1)
Dictionary icon
Lusitani PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
macedonicus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Magnus PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
magnus ADJ (12)
Dictionary icon
maiestas N (1)
Dictionary icon
maiestatus N (5)
Dictionary icon
Manes PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
manibus ADV (1)
Dictionary icon
manus N (1)
Dictionary icon
Marcus PROPN (11)
Dictionary icon
Marinus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
marion V (1)
Dictionary icon
maritus N (1)
Dictionary icon
mater N (1)
Dictionary icon
mauretanus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Mauri PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Maximianus PROPN (6)
Dictionary icon
Maximinus PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
Maximus PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
merens ADJ (2)
Dictionary icon
merenti X (1)
Dictionary icon
mereo V (1)
Dictionary icon
mereor V (1)
Dictionary icon
meritum N (1)
Dictionary icon
Mesopotamia PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
metropolis N (3)
Dictionary icon
miles N (2)
Dictionary icon
milito V (2)
Dictionary icon
mille NUM (1)
Dictionary icon
milliaria N (1)
Dictionary icon
missio N (1)
Dictionary icon
mitis ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Nepos PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
nepos N (3)
Dictionary icon
nepot V (1)
Dictionary icon
Nerua PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
nobilis ADJ (4)
Dictionary icon
Nobilissimus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
nomen N (1)
Dictionary icon
noster DET (8)
Dictionary icon
Nostius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
nostri NUM (1)
Dictionary icon
nouus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
numen N (6)
Dictionary icon
ob PREP (1)
Dictionary icon
Octauius PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
oeor N (1)
Dictionary icon
officium N (1)
Dictionary icon
omnis DET (2)
Dictionary icon
Oppius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
optium N (1)
Dictionary icon
orator N (1)
Dictionary icon
orbis N (1)
Dictionary icon
Osrhoena PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
ostium N (1)
Dictionary icon
Palaestina PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
palaestinus ADJ (3)
Dictionary icon
parthicus ADJ (4)
Dictionary icon
passus N (1)
Dictionary icon
pater N (8)
Dictionary icon
patria N (8)
Dictionary icon
patronus N (3)
Dictionary icon
pax N (1)
Dictionary icon
pecunia N (2)
Dictionary icon
pedites N (1)
Dictionary icon
per PREP (4)
Dictionary icon
perfectus ADJ (5)
Dictionary icon
Perpetua PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
perpetuus ADJ (2)
Dictionary icon
pes N (2)
Dictionary icon
Phrygia PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Pilatus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
pilus N (3)
Dictionary icon
pius ADJ (15)
Dictionary icon
Pius PROPN (10)
Dictionary icon
Pomponius PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
pono V (1)
Dictionary icon
pons N (2)
Dictionary icon
pontifex N (10)
Dictionary icon
Pontius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
posterus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
potens ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
potestas N (8)
Dictionary icon
praefectus N (5)
Dictionary icon
praesens ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
praeses N (5)
Dictionary icon
praetor N (7)
Dictionary icon
Praetorius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
prima N (1)
Dictionary icon
primus ADJ (3)
Dictionary icon
princeps N (1)
Dictionary icon
principium N (2)
Dictionary icon
Priscus PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
pro PREP (11)
Dictionary icon
proconsul N (1)
Dictionary icon
proconsule N (1)
Dictionary icon
procula NUM (1)
Dictionary icon
procurator N (4)
Dictionary icon
Protianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
prouidentia N (1)
Dictionary icon
prouincia N (8)
Dictionary icon
providentus ADJ (2)
Dictionary icon
publica N (1)
Dictionary icon
publicus ADJ (2)
Dictionary icon
Publius PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
que CC (1)
Dictionary icon
qui PRON (4)
Dictionary icon
quinus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
quirinus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Ravena PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
recreator N (1)
Dictionary icon
reficio V (1)
Dictionary icon
res N (1)
Dictionary icon
restauratus N (1)
Dictionary icon
restituo V (1)
Dictionary icon
retituo V (1)
Dictionary icon
Rhodope PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Romanus PROPN (3)
Dictionary icon
romanus ADJ (2)
Dictionary icon
Rufus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
sagittarius N (1)
Dictionary icon
salus N (2)
Dictionary icon
Salus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Sanctianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
sanctus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Sarapis PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Sarmaticus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
secundus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
semper ADV (2)
Dictionary icon
Sempronianum PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
septem NUM (1)
Dictionary icon
seruus N (1)
Dictionary icon
Seuerus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
seuir N (1)
Dictionary icon
Sextus PROPN (5)
Dictionary icon
singularis ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
situs N (1)
Dictionary icon
Spes PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
stipendium N (2)
Dictionary icon
stos PRON (1)
Dictionary icon
strator N (1)
Dictionary icon
sub PREP (1)
Dictionary icon
subscribo V (1)
Dictionary icon
sum V (2)
Dictionary icon
suo N (1)
Dictionary icon
suus DET (2)
Dictionary icon
Symphorus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Syria PROPN (9)
Dictionary icon
Syrii PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
templum N (2)
Dictionary icon
testamentum N (1)
Dictionary icon
Theodorus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Theophilus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Thraces PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
Thracia PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Tiberianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Tiberieus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Tiberius PROPN (2)
Dictionary icon
Timesitheus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Titiae PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Titianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Titus PROPN (6)
Dictionary icon
Traianum PROPN (6)
Dictionary icon
traianus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
Traianus PROPN (7)
Dictionary icon
tranquillitas N (1)
Dictionary icon
tribunicius ADJ (8)
Dictionary icon
tudo N (1)
Dictionary icon
Ualens PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Ualentina PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
Ualerius PROPN (10)
Dictionary icon
uere ADV (1)
Dictionary icon
uero ADV (4)
Dictionary icon
Uespasianus PROPN (7)
Dictionary icon
ueteranus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
uia N (3)
Dictionary icon
uicenus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon
uigesco V (1)
Dictionary icon
uir N (7)
Dictionary icon
uiuo V (2)
Dictionary icon
uotum N (1)
Dictionary icon
uxor N (1)
Dictionary icon
Valerianus PROPN (1)
Dictionary icon
vexillatio N (7)
Dictionary icon
victorinus N (1)
Dictionary icon
victoriosissimum N (1)
Dictionary icon
votus ADJ (1)
Dictionary icon