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Assorted Indices in Latin

The following are a set of word indices for Latin across various different categories in the Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine. Each index header includes a count of how many unique word lemmas are contained in that index. Click on a header to expand the index and view the contents.

Each index presents each headword, its part of speech, and the number of times that word appears in the corpus. To see each of the specific morphological forms, click on the brown button next to the headword. You will be presented with a list of word forms, their morphological data, and counts of their appearances in the IIP corpus. This display will also show keyword-in-context views, presenting the contexts in which these words appear.

Each word in the different indices provides links to the Perseus Latin dictionary, indicated with the dictionary icon (dictionary icon). Double Tree KWIC visualization functionality (tree icon) is still in progress and is not yet available.

For the index of Personal Names in Latin, click here. For the general Latin wordlist, click here.


augur N (1) | type: religious
Dictionary icon
auguris N (1) | type: religious
Dictionary icon
Augusta PROPN (4) | type: government
Dictionary icon
Augustus PROPN (49) | type: government
Dictionary icon
censor N (2) | type: government
Dictionary icon
centurio N (5) | type: military
Dictionary icon
ciuitas N (1) | type: military
Dictionary icon
consul N (7) | type: government
Dictionary icon
consularis ADJ (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
consuls ADJ (2) | type: government
Dictionary icon
curator N (1) | type: military
Dictionary icon
custodia N (1) | type: military
Dictionary icon
decurio N (5) | type: military
Dictionary icon
decurionum N (1) | type: military
Dictionary icon
dominus N (5) | type: honorific
Dictionary icon
duumviralis ADJ (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
eques N (4) | type: government
Dictionary icon
frumentarior N (1) | type: military
Dictionary icon
imperator N (33) | type: government
Dictionary icon
legatus N (10) | type: military
Dictionary icon
officium N (1) | type: other
Dictionary icon
optium N (1) | type: military
Dictionary icon
pecunia N (2) | type: government
Dictionary icon
pedites N (1) | type: military
Dictionary icon
pes N (2) | type: military
Dictionary icon
pilus N (3) | type: military
Dictionary icon
potestas N (8) | type: government
Dictionary icon
praefectus N (5) | type: government
Dictionary icon
praeses N (5) | type: government
Dictionary icon
praetor N (7) | type: government
Dictionary icon
Praetorius PROPN (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
princeps N (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
principium N (2) | type: government
Dictionary icon
proconsul N (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
proconsule N (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
procurator N (4) | type: government
Dictionary icon
seuir N (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
strator N (1) | type: military
Dictionary icon
tribunicius ADJ (8) | type: government, military
Dictionary icon


aa N (1) | type: ala
Dictionary icon
ala N (2) | type: ala
Dictionary icon
Antoniniana PROPN (3) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
Augusta PROPN (4) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
Bracaraugustani PROPN (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
Callaeci PROPN (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
Cantabri PROPN (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
centurio N (5) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
ciuitas N (1) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
cohors N (2) | type: cohors
Dictionary icon
custodia N (1) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
cyrenaicus ADJ (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
damascena N (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
decurio N (5) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
decurionum N (1) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
deiotariana NUM (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
Ferrata PROPN (3) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
ferratae N (2) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
fidelis ADJ (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
fortis N (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
fretensis ADJ (34) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
Fretensis PROPN (17) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
frumentarior N (1) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
Fulminata PROPN (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
legatus N (10) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
legio N (25) | type: legion
Dictionary icon
Legio PROPN (4) | type: legion
Dictionary icon
Legion PROPN (1) | type: legion
Dictionary icon
legionus N (1) | type: legion
Dictionary icon
Legium PROPN (3) | type: legion
Dictionary icon
macedonicus ADJ (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
Mauri PROPN (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
miles N (2) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
milito V (2) | type: generic
Dictionary icon
milliaria N (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
missio N (1) | type: generic
Dictionary icon
optium N (1) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
pedites N (1) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
pes N (2) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
Phrygia PROPN (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
pilus N (3) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
prima N (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
proconsul N (1) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
proconsule N (1) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
sagittarius N (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
strator N (1) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
Thraces PROPN (2) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
Thracia PROPN (1) | type: unitname
Dictionary icon
tribunicius ADJ (8) | type: rank
Dictionary icon
ueteranus ADJ (1) | type: veteran
Dictionary icon
vexillatio N (7) | type: vexillation
Dictionary icon


Alamannicus PROPN (1) | type: tribe
Dictionary icon
armeniacus ADJ (1) | type: Armenian
Dictionary icon
barbarus N (1) | type: generic
Dictionary icon
Britannicus PROPN (1) | type: British
Dictionary icon
Callaeci PROPN (1) | type: tribe
Dictionary icon
Cantabri PROPN (1) | type: tribe
Dictionary icon
cyrenaicus ADJ (1) | type: Cyrenaean
Dictionary icon
Francico PROPN (1) | type: French
Dictionary icon
Germanicus PROPN (1) | type: German
Dictionary icon
italiquus ADJ (1) | type: Italian
Dictionary icon
Latium PROPN (1) | type: tribe
Dictionary icon
macedonicus ADJ (1) | type: Macedonian
Dictionary icon
mauretanus ADJ (1) | type: Mauretanian
Dictionary icon
parthicus ADJ (4) | type: Parthian
Dictionary icon
Phrygia PROPN (1) | type: Phrygia
Dictionary icon
quirinus ADJ (1) | type: tribe
Dictionary icon
Romanus PROPN (3) | type: Roman
Dictionary icon
romanus ADJ (2) | type: Roman
Dictionary icon
Sarmaticus PROPN (1) | type: Sarmatian
Dictionary icon
Thraces PROPN (2) | type: Thracia
Dictionary icon
Thracia PROPN (1) | type: Thracia
Dictionary icon


amicus N (1) | type: friend
Dictionary icon
coniux N (2) | type: marriage
Dictionary icon
connubium N (1) | type: marriage
Dictionary icon
dominus N (5) | type: lord
Dictionary icon
filia N (1) | type: daughter
Dictionary icon
filius N (14) | type: son
Dictionary icon
frater N (2) | type: brother
Dictionary icon
haereo V (1) | type: heir
Dictionary icon
heres N (2) | type: heir
Dictionary icon
ho V (1) | type: heir
Dictionary icon
liberatus N (1) | type: freedperson
Dictionary icon
libertus N (2) | type: freedperson
Dictionary icon
maritus N (1) | type: husband
Dictionary icon
mater N (1) | type: mother
Dictionary icon
nepos N (3) | type: grandson
Dictionary icon
pater N (8) | type: father
Dictionary icon
patronus N (3) | type: patron
Dictionary icon
secundus ADJ (1) | type: heir
Dictionary icon
seruus N (1) | type: slave
Dictionary icon
Seuerus PROPN (1) | type: slave
Dictionary icon
uxor N (1) | type: wife
Dictionary icon


Caesarea PROPN (3) | type: Caesarea
Dictionary icon
Colonia PROPN (3) | type: generic
Dictionary icon
colonia N (3) | type: generic
Dictionary icon
damascena N (1) | type: Damascus
Dictionary icon
Gemonneus PROPN (1) | type: Gemona
Dictionary icon
Iudaea PROPN (2) | type: Judaea
Dictionary icon
Mesopotamia PROPN (1) | type: Mesopotamia
Dictionary icon
metropolis N (3) | type: generic
Dictionary icon
orbis N (1) | type: generic
Dictionary icon
Osrhoena PROPN (1) | type: Osroene
Dictionary icon
Palaestina PROPN (1) | type: Palestine
Dictionary icon
palaestinus ADJ (3) | type: Palestine
Dictionary icon
patria N (8) | type: generic
Dictionary icon
prouincia N (8) | type: generic
Dictionary icon
Ravena PROPN (1) | type: Ravenna
Dictionary icon
Syria PROPN (9) | type: Syria
Dictionary icon
Syrii PROPN (1) | type: Syria
Dictionary icon
Tiberieus PROPN (1) | type: building
Dictionary icon


annus N (4) | type: year
Dictionary icon


adiutor N (1) | type: adiutor
Dictionary icon
augur N (1) | type: augur
Dictionary icon
auguris N (1) | type: augur
Dictionary icon
ludus N (1) | type: ludus
Dictionary icon
orator N (1) | type: orator
Dictionary icon
pontifex N (10) | type: priest
Dictionary icon


mille NUM (1) | type: length
Dictionary icon


amineus ADJ (2) | type: food
Dictionary icon
Amphora PROPN (1) | type: utensil
Dictionary icon
Campestra PROPN (1) | type: food
Dictionary icon
curia N (1) | type: building
Dictionary icon
Gae PROPN (1) | type: food
Dictionary icon
pons N (2) | type: travel
Dictionary icon
stipendium N (2) | type: financial
Dictionary icon
templum N (2) | type: building
Dictionary icon
testamentum N (1) | type: financial
Dictionary icon
uia N (3) | type: travel
Dictionary icon


deuotus ADJ (6) | type: offer
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Deus PROPN (1) | type: god
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Dis PROPN (4) | type: god
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diuus ADJ (4) | type: god
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do V (6) | type: god
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Gemonneus PROPN (1) | type: genius
Dictionary icon
Genius PROPN (1) | type: genius
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numen N (6) | type: numen
Dictionary icon
sanctus ADJ (1) | type: holy
Dictionary icon
templum N (2) | type: temple
Dictionary icon
Tiberieus PROPN (1) | type: Tibereium
Dictionary icon
uiuo V (2) | type: offering
Dictionary icon
uotum N (1) | type: offering
Dictionary icon