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Assorted Indices in Hebrew

The following are a set of word indices for Hebrew across various different categories in the Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine. Each index header includes a count of how many unique word lemmas are contained in that index. Click on a header to expand the index and view the contents.

Each index presents each headword, its part of speech, and the number of times that word appears in the corpus. To see each of the specific morphological forms, click on the brown button next to the headword. You will be presented with a list of word forms, their morphological data, and counts of their appearances in the IIP corpus. This display will also show keyword-in-context views, presenting the contexts in which these words appear.

Each word in the different indices provides links to the Morfix Hebrew dictionary, indicated with the dictionary icon (dictionary icon). Double Tree KWIC visualization functionality (tree icon) is still in progress and is not yet available.

For the index of Personal Names in Hebrew, click here. For the general Hebrew wordlist, click here.


N (1) | type: religious
Dictionary icon
אלוף N (1) | type: military, government
Dictionary icon
חזיר PROPN (1) | type: religious
Dictionary icon
כהן N (9) | type: priest
Dictionary icon
מלך N (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
מעזיה PROPN (1) | type: religious
Dictionary icon
נשיא N (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
פרנס N (1) | type: government
Dictionary icon
רב N (22) | type: religious
Dictionary icon
רבא ADJ (1) | type: religious
Dictionary icon
רבה ADJ (1) | type: religious
Dictionary icon
שר N (2) | type: military, government
Dictionary icon


אני N (1) | type: fleet
Dictionary icon
מרכבה N (2) | type: chariot
Dictionary icon
צבא N (11) | type: hosts
Dictionary icon


גא N (1) | type: nation
Dictionary icon
גלילי ADJ (1) | type: Galilean
Dictionary icon
ישראל PROPN (15) | type: Israel
Dictionary icon
ישרון PROPN (2) | type: Jeshurun, Israel
Dictionary icon
עם N (1) | type: people, nation
Dictionary icon


N (1) | type: son
Dictionary icon
אב N (3) | type: father
Dictionary icon
אבא N (3) | type: father
Dictionary icon
אבי N (1) | type: father
Dictionary icon
אח N (3) | type: brother
Dictionary icon
אם N (3) | type: mother
Dictionary icon
אמא N (2) | type: mother
Dictionary icon
אשה N (6) | type: wife
Dictionary icon
אתתא X (1) | type: wife
Dictionary icon
בן N (55) | type: son
Dictionary icon
בר N (39) | type: son
Dictionary icon
ברתא N (1) | type: daughter
Dictionary icon
בת N (14) | type: daughter
Dictionary icon
נער N (1) | type: servant
Dictionary icon
עבד N (2) | type: servant
Dictionary icon
שלמציון PROPN (1) | type: daughter
Dictionary icon


אלכסנדריה PROPN (1) | type: Alexandria
Dictionary icon
אמרי PROPN (1) | type: Beit Ummar
Dictionary icon
בבל PROPN (1) | type: Babylonia
Dictionary icon
בית N (4) | type: house of study
Dictionary icon
יהוד PROPN (2) | type: Judaea
Dictionary icon
יהודה PROPN (25) | type: Judaea
Dictionary icon
יצע V (1) | type: resting place
Dictionary icon
ירושלים PROPN (9) | type: Jerusalem
Dictionary icon
ירחו PROPN (1) | type: Jericho
Dictionary icon
ישראל PROPN (15) | type: Israel
Dictionary icon
ישרון PROPN (2) | type: Jeshurun
Dictionary icon
כאנובס PROPN (1) | type: Canopus
Dictionary icon
לוד PROPN (1) | type: Lod, Lydda
Dictionary icon
מדרש N (1) | type: house of study
Dictionary icon
מנוחה N (1) | type: resting place
Dictionary icon
מערה N (1) | type: cave
Dictionary icon
מקום N (2) | type: place
Dictionary icon
נפש N (1) | type: tomb
Dictionary icon
עולם N (3) | type: world
Dictionary icon
עין N (1) | type: spring, Ein-Gedi
Dictionary icon
עיר N (1) | type: city
Dictionary icon
עמק N (1) | type: valley
Dictionary icon
פנון PROPN (1) | type: Banias
Dictionary icon
קבר N (5) | type: tomb
Dictionary icon
שמים N (2) | type: heavens
Dictionary icon
שער N (2) | type: gate
Dictionary icon
תקיעה N (1) | type: place of trumpeting
Dictionary icon


אדר PROPN (1) | type: month, Adar
Dictionary icon
חדש N (1) | type: month
Dictionary icon
טבת PROPN (1) | type: month, season
Dictionary icon
יום N (3) | type: day
Dictionary icon
לעולם ADV (4) | type: eternity
Dictionary icon
מחר ADV (1) | type: tomorrow
Dictionary icon
ניסן N (2) | type: spring, Nisan
Dictionary icon
עולם N (3) | type: eternity
Dictionary icon
רמשא N (2) | type: evening
Dictionary icon
שנה N (6) | type: year
Dictionary icon
תמוז PROPN (1) | type: summer, Tamuz
Dictionary icon
תקופה N (4) | type: season
Dictionary icon
תשרי PROPN (1) | type: autumn, Tishrei
Dictionary icon


N (1) | type: rabbi
Dictionary icon
בשמא N (1) | type: druggist
Dictionary icon
גדול N (0) | type: high priest
Dictionary icon
דוגה N (1) | type: fisherman
Dictionary icon
כהן N (9) | type: priest
Dictionary icon
כנסת N (1) | type: mother of the synagogue
Dictionary icon
מלך N (1) | type: king
Dictionary icon
נביא N (2) | type: prophet
Dictionary icon
נהתם N (1) | type: baker
Dictionary icon
נער N (1) | type: servant
Dictionary icon
נשיא N (1) | type: prince
Dictionary icon
ספר N (2) | type: scribe
Dictionary icon
עבד N (2) | type: servant
Dictionary icon
קנאי N (1) | type: silversmith
Dictionary icon
קצבא N (1) | type: butcher
Dictionary icon
רב N (23) | type: rabbi
Dictionary icon
רבא ADJ (1) | type: high priest
Dictionary icon
רבה ADJ (1) | type: high priest
Dictionary icon
רועה N (1) | type: shepherd
Dictionary icon


אמה N (2) | type: length
Dictionary icon
טפח N (2) | type: handbreadth, tefach
Dictionary icon
לג N (3) | type: log
Dictionary icon
מעשר N (1) | type: tithe
Dictionary icon
סאה N (7) | type: seah
Dictionary icon
פרס N (1) | type: paras
Dictionary icon
ק X (7) | type: qab
Dictionary icon
קדד N (1) | type: seasoning plant
Dictionary icon


N (2) | type: balsam
Dictionary icon
אות N (1) | type: sign
Dictionary icon
אניה N (1) | type: boat
Dictionary icon
ארבה N (1) | type: hole
Dictionary icon
ארון N (6) | type: coffin
Dictionary icon
ארץ N (2) | type: earth
Dictionary icon
אשתא X (1) | type: fire
Dictionary icon
בית N (2) | type: house
Dictionary icon
בצק N (2) | type: dough
Dictionary icon
גט N (1) | type: writ
Dictionary icon
גרגר N (3) | type: dried fig / olive drupe
Dictionary icon
דם N (3) | type: blood
Dictionary icon
דשא N (1) | type: grass, plant
Dictionary icon
חיצוני ADJ (1) | type: outer coffin
Dictionary icon
חנטא N (1) | type: wheat
Dictionary icon
כד N (1) | type: jar
Dictionary icon
כיסתא N (1) | type: fodder, forage, hay, liquid
Dictionary icon
ככר N (1) | type: object
Dictionary icon
כסף N (1) | type: money
Dictionary icon
כר N (1) | type: pile
Dictionary icon
כרשינא N (1) | type: vetch
Dictionary icon
מעשר N (1) | type: tithe
Dictionary icon
מרכבה N (2) | type: chariot
Dictionary icon
משחא N (1) | type: oil
Dictionary icon
נפש N (1) | type: tomb, soul
Dictionary icon
נצח N (1) | type: blood, juice
Dictionary icon
עוזרר N (1) | type: medlar
Dictionary icon
עץ N (1) | type: tree
Dictionary icon
עצם N (1) | type: bone
Dictionary icon
פנימי ADJ (1) | type: inner coffin
Dictionary icon
צמח N (1) | type: plant
Dictionary icon
קורשא N (1) | type: board
Dictionary icon
קרבן N (4) | type: sacrifice
Dictionary icon
קררס N (1) | type: crocus
Dictionary icon
ר N (10) | type: reva
Dictionary icon
רוח N (1) | type: wind, spirit
Dictionary icon
שורה N (4) | type: row
Dictionary icon
תורה N (1) | type: Torah
Dictionary icon
תמרא N (1) | type: date
Dictionary icon


X (2) | type: exile
Dictionary icon
אות N (1) | type: sign
Dictionary icon
אמן INTJ (1) | type: interjection
Dictionary icon
ארץ N (2) | type: earth
Dictionary icon
אתגלות N (1) | type: exile
Dictionary icon
בית N (2) | type: house of study
Dictionary icon
ברוך X (5) | type: blessed
Dictionary icon
ברכה N (3) | type: blessing
Dictionary icon
גבריאל PROPN (3) | type: angel Gabriel
Dictionary icon
גדול N (0) | type: high priest
Dictionary icon
גירת N (1) | type: proselyte
Dictionary icon
גלא V (1) | type: exile
Dictionary icon
דולק ADJ (1) | type: fervent
Dictionary icon
דכר V (1) | type: remembrance
Dictionary icon
זכר N (3) | type: memory
Dictionary icon
חזיר PROPN (1) | type: priest of the sons of Hezir
Dictionary icon
חסד N (2) | type: mercy
Dictionary icon
חסיד N (1) | type: pious
Dictionary icon
חק N (1) | type: law
Dictionary icon
טבח N (1) | type: slaughter, sacrifice
Dictionary icon
טהור ADJ (1) | type:
Dictionary icon
טהר V (2) | type: pure
Dictionary icon
טהרה N (6) | type: pure
Dictionary icon
יצע V (1) | type: resting place
Dictionary icon
כבוד N (2) | type: glory
Dictionary icon
כהן N (9) | type: priest
Dictionary icon
כנסת N (1) | type: synagogue, mother of the synagogue
Dictionary icon
כשר ADJ (4) | type: kosher, fit, suitable
Dictionary icon
מדרש N (1) | type: house of study
Dictionary icon
מיכאל PROPN (1) | type: angel, Michael
Dictionary icon
מלאך N (3) | type: angel
Dictionary icon
מנוחה N (1) | type: resting place
Dictionary icon
מעזיה PROPN (1) | type: priest of Maaziah
Dictionary icon
מעשר N (1) | type: tithe
Dictionary icon
מצוה N (2) | type: commandment
Dictionary icon
מקדש N (1) | type: temple
Dictionary icon
מרכבה N (2) | type: chariot
Dictionary icon
משכב N (3) | type: resting place
Dictionary icon
נורא ADJ (1) | type: awesome
Dictionary icon
נזיר N (1) | type: nazirite
Dictionary icon
נפש N (3) | type: soul
Dictionary icon
סמך V (1) | type: ordain
Dictionary icon
עולם N (1) | type: world/eternity
Dictionary icon
עמידה X (1) | type: resurrection
Dictionary icon
צבא N (11) | type: hosts
Dictionary icon
צדיק N (3) | type: righteous
Dictionary icon
צדק N (1) | type: justice
Dictionary icon
ק X (7) | type: sacrifice, holy
Dictionary icon
קדוש ADJ (5) | type: holy
Dictionary icon
קדש ADJ (3) | type: holy
Dictionary icon
קנאי N (1) | type: zealot
Dictionary icon
קרב V (2) | type: sacrifice
Dictionary icon
קרבן N (4) | type: sacrifice
Dictionary icon
רב N (23) | type: rabbi
Dictionary icon
רבא ADJ (1) | type: high priest
Dictionary icon
רבה ADJ (1) | type: high priest
Dictionary icon
רוח N (1) | type: spirit
Dictionary icon
רע ADJ (2) | type: evil
Dictionary icon
שלום N (6) | type: peace
Dictionary icon
שמים N (2) | type: heavens
Dictionary icon
תורה N (1) | type: Torah
Dictionary icon
תקיעה N (1) | type: place of trumpeting
Dictionary icon


אריה PROPN (1) | type: Zodiac sign
Dictionary icon
בתול N (2) | type: Zodiac sign
Dictionary icon
גדי N (1) | type: Zodiac sign
Dictionary icon
דג N (1) | type: Zodiac sign
Dictionary icon
דוגה N (1) | type: animal
Dictionary icon
דלי PROPN (1) | type: Zodiac sign
Dictionary icon
טלה PROPN (1) | type: Zodiac sign
Dictionary icon
לבב N (1) | type: body part
Dictionary icon
מוזנים PROPN (1) | type: Zodiac sign
Dictionary icon
מערב ADJ (1) | type: direction
Dictionary icon
עמל N (1) | type:
Dictionary icon
ציפון N (1) | type: direction
Dictionary icon
קנאי N (1) | type:
Dictionary icon
ר N (10) | type: coin
Dictionary icon
רמשא N (1) | type: time
Dictionary icon
שבעה X (2) | type: emotion
Dictionary icon
שור N (1) | type: zodiac sign
Dictionary icon
שלום N (24) | type:
Dictionary icon
שם N (1) | type:
Dictionary icon