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Negev. Zoora. May 28, 376 CE. Sandstone tombstone, engraved and painted. Epitaph.


ΜνημῖονΜνημεῖον ΕὐουαγρίουΕὐαγρίου ἀποθανόντος ἐν ἤτιἔτει σοαʹ, μηνὸς ΔεσίουΔαισίου ηʹ. ΘάρσιΘάρσει, ὁ βίος ταῦτα. +


Monument of Euagrios, who died in the year 271, on (the) 8th (day) of (the) month Daisios. Be of good cheer, that is life.


[no diplomatic]

Terminus post quem:
Terminus ante quem:
The inscription provides the date as the 8th day of the month Daisios in the year 271 according to the Era of the Province of Arabia, that is, May 28, 376 CE. The tombstone is one of about 700 discovered in Byzantine Zoora and is in fair condition, though a small cavity is found in the middle of line seven. The majority of the Greek tombstones from this location have been identified as Christian. The text, which contains numerous spelling errors, was engraved in a round script and also painted red (as evidenced by traces of red paint which are still present). The letters are cut deeply, with the spacing between each increasing towards the end of the inscription. A large outlined cross which is engraved and painted red is found on the last line after the text. The author notes that the name Εὐουάγριος is a local pronunciation of the standard Greek name Ευάγριος and that the only known record of a similar spelling of the name is from a Jewish ritual bath at Hulda. He also points out that like zoor35, this inscription does not contain a patronymic, a rare occurrence at Ghor es-Safi except in cases in which the deceased has a title.




H: 53 cm; W: 36 cm; D: 08 cm


376 CE to 376 CE

Current location

Department of Antiquities of Jordan


  • cross end of last line of text


Source of diplomatic

No bibliography available for diplomatic transcription.

Source of transcription

No bibliography available for transcription.

Source of translation

No bibliography available for translation.

Other sources

  • Meimaris, Yiannis, and Kalliope Kritikakou-Nikolaropoulou. Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia Vol. Ia: The Greek Inscriptions from Ghor Es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora). Athens, Greece: National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2005.
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Satlow, Michael L., ed. 2002 - . “Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine.” Brown University.

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"Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine," ZOOR0036, 13 February 2025.