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Western Galilee. Evron, 442-443 CE. Mosaic. Dedication.


Ἐπί τοῦ εὐλαβεστάτου καί θεοφιλεστάτου ἐπισκόπου ἠμῶν Παύλου καί ἐπί τοῦ εὐλαβεστάτου Σαμάκωνος πρεσβυτἐρου τῆς κώμης καί ἐπι Μαρκέλλου ἀρχιδιακόνου καί ἐπί τῶν διακόνων: Ἰουλιανός, Ἀντώνιος, Εἰνεουάρις, Σιλουανός, Δομνίνος Ἀλέξων, υβῖνος, Διόδωρος, Μαρίνος, Σάλλου, Σάμακων, Ναάμως, Σαω Θυλ Βαράχων, Ὑποδιάκονες: Γερμανός Ἀρίων, Σαβίνος, Κυριάκος, Ἀβδά. Ἀναγνῶστες: Ἠρωδιανός Ἀλέξων, Μαρίνος, Εὔθαλις ἐψηφώθη ἡ ἁγιοτάτη ἐκκλησία, ἐπί Αἰωνος διακόνου και ἐπί Βάσσου ὑποδιακόνου, ἔτους υϙαʹ, ἐν μηνί φιβραρίου δεκάτη.


In the time of the most pious and God-Beloved bishop Paulus, and in the time of the most pious Samacon, the priest of the county, and in the time of Marcellos, the archdeacon, and in the time of the deacons Ioulianos, Antonios, Einouaris, Silvanos, Domninos, Alexon, .....ybinos, Diodoros, Marinos, Sallou, Samacos, Naamos, Sao..thyl.s, Barachon, (and) the subdeacons Germanos, Arion, Sabinos, Kyriacos, Abda, (and) the readers, Herodianos, Alexon, Marinos, Euthalis, was paved with mosaics the most holy church, in the time of Aion, the deacon and in the time of Bassos the subdeacon, in the year 491 (=442/443 CE), in the month February, the tenth.



Terminus post quem:
Terminus ante quem:
One of thirteen Greek mosaic inscriptions found at a Christian church at Evron. The dedicatory mosaic is rectangular with a white background. The church was constructed in three stages, the first in the 415 CE, the second in 442-443 CE (when this inscription was made), and the third in 490 CE. This inscription records the date as February 10, 491 according to the calendar of Ptolemais-Acre, a date which the editor indicates corresponds with 442-443 CE. This inscription includes the two minor official titles, ἀναγνώστου, that is anagnostes or the reader-lector (who read from the Holy Scriptures to worshippers) and υποδιάκων, that is subdeacon, who assists the deacon. The names Aion, Alexon, Arion, Bassos, Diodoros, Euthalis, Herodianos, Kyriacos, and Paulus are of Greek origin, while the names Antonios, Germanos, Domninos, Einouaris, Ioulianos, Marinos, Marcellos, Sabinos, and Silvanos are Latin. The names, Abda, Barachon, Naamos, Sallou, Samacon, and Samacos, on the other hand, are Semetic in origin. The editor notes that the his is unable to determine the origin of the partial names ...ybinos and Sao...thyl.s. The inscriptions has a rectangular black border, and is surrounded by geometric mosaic art. The author notes that sentances and names are marked in the inscription by a small diagonal mark, indicated as a ' character in the diplomatic rendering of the inscription.. A wave like figure, represented by the editor as ~ appears after the last word of the inscription. The inscription makes use of lunate sigmas.




H: —; W: —; D: —


442 CE to 443 CE

Current location

No provenance provided.


  • Wave-like figure end of last line

  • Square border around inscription

  • Geometric art outside of square border


Source of diplomatic

No bibliography available for diplomatic transcription.

Source of transcription

No bibliography available for transcription.

Source of translation

No bibliography available for translation.

Other sources

  • Tzaferis, Vassilios. “The Greek Inscriptions from the Early Christian Church at Evron.” Eretz-Israel 19 (1987): 36–53.
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The project can be cited as:

Satlow, Michael L., ed. 2002 - . “Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine.” Brown University.

This inscription can be cited as:

"Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine," EVRO0005, 7 February 2025.